Showing posts with label red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is...

Warm, radiating, comforting and fulfilling and so much more!

Love is the only bridge that needs to be crossed. Love is the only ladder that one must climb. Love is the only wave to ride on the sea. Love is the path leading up the mountain. Love is the color of every sunset. Love is the warmth in your soul. Love is the light in the sun. Love is the radiating energy of spirit.

Love is the gentle reach of an extended hand. Love is the excitement in a child’s eyes. Love is the wisdom behind the wrinkles. Love is the essential movement of karma. Love is the dual forces of polarity, merged. Love is the flutter of a butterfly. Love is a gift you give to another. Love is a tear rolling down one’s cheek. Love is a parent’s fear for their child. Love is a cup of coffee on the patio. Love is a joke from a friend. Love is the expression of words.

Love is a silent moment. Love is your pet licking your face. Love is a billowing storm cloud on the horizon. Love is a fishing line bobbing in the lake. Love is the color of autumn. Love is a gentle breeze on a hot day. Love is accomplishing a task. Love is letting go.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Life is love. Share it with everyone.” tc