Thursday, August 26, 2010

Golden Bounty

Intuition is an inner knowing that guides a person throughout life. We all possess this 6th sense. Many people feel things that later transpire, without understanding how they knew it. Some people have visions, while others hear messages of warning.

Intuition is not reserved for the ones that seem more ‘special’ than others. Neither is intuition a female thing. Many people get a signal in their life but choose to ignore it. Hunters develop a sense of intuition in the field. Deeply spiritual people sense a knowing about God. However, WE ALL have this ability.

Intuition is our Higher Self, Angels or the language of the Universe speaking directly to us. It is vital to one’s growth to learn to open to this inner voice. Intuition is a beautiful energy force that will guide you, protect you and enhance your life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Trust your inner knowing and the powers of the universe will produce an abundance of harmony in your life.” tc

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