Thursday, August 12, 2010

Test of Character

I have many friends that are teachers. I hear them talk about curriculum, lack of student motivation and poor attendance in the school systems. I have also heard where tests are no longer administered in some classes and grades in certain classrooms are simply pass or fail. Listening to what these educators, who are interacting with students every day, seem to be saying is that the standard method of teaching and testing has not evolved with the needs and changes of the student population.

Kids today are far more technologically advanced than students from 40, 25 or even 15 years ago. Researchers have learned that more and more students do not learn very well through the traditional method of classroom instruction. Additionally, there are children being born over the last several decades that are highly advanced and have come to be nicknamed, Indigo Kids.

We are not helping our children or our future society by withholding testing or by not enhancing the learning environment to fit the current student population. Tests in life are presented in a variety of formats. Tests help teach us where we need to work harder and grow. People are tested in the work environment, in higher education, in social gatherings, in family groups, in spiritual belief systems and with friends all the time.

How will one know how far they have advanced if there is no measure of growth?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you reach the summit and peer over the edge, the height from which you perceive reflects the depth from where you have come.” tc

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