Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Motion

The old saying of ‘use it or lose it,’ comes to mind writing this blog. I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Our bodies require movement in order to continue functioning properly. Joints stiffen, muscles weaken and bones deteriorate if not used.
Have you ever looked at bodies of water? Ponds that do not have water flowing through them, overtime, turn stagnant and stink. Rivers are pure, flowing waters that if not polluted by mankind, could be drinkable. Oceans tide and have a steady current that circles the globe. The current of movement keeps water fresh.

If you want to have and maintain a healthy body, you must move it! This does not mean that you need to run a marathon or ride your bike 10 miles a day. A simple routine incorporating a variety of physical activity like swimming, walking, bicycling, water sports, light weight lifting, etc. will hold your interest and improve your health.

My 93 year old Grandma told me this the other day. I thought it was the perfect quote to end the month.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you sit so long on your tush that your butt burns, it is time to get going.” tc

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