Showing posts with label mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mountains. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Elevated Living

While the country is being preached to of a possible second recession, trillions of dollars in government debt, the continuing war overseas and more natural disasters, we can choose to get caught up in the negative sensationalism portrayed by the media or we can focus on creating something positive in our individual lives.

While all of these events have their significance, we do not need to concentrate on the negative. We need to either help solve the issue, guide those in charge or stay out of it. Everything happens for a reason and perpetuating the problem does not end it.

We have the power to live well regardless of what is transpiring around us. When we live from the inside out, the exterior forces of the world have little to no impact on our lives. At some point, we will all experience a difficult episode but we can choose our reaction to it! We can bounce or we can hit the ground with a splat.

When we select a higher conscious reaction to the surrounding world, we move beyond the judgment of the masses. When we opt for a view from the top, guided by Spirit, we do not get bogged down in the grime of political affairs, religious extremism or media control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“God’s happiness is all around us. Let your view be sustained from a higher altitude.” tc

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I talk a lot in the blog about changing your life. I try to empower each person who reads this blog to learn the skills that it takes in order to make those changes in your life that you are not currently happy with. By sharing new ideas, current information and a deeper sense of conscious awareness, it is my hope for everyone to wake-up and take responsibility for their life experience.

Once you have chosen to change your circumstances and have learned a few new skills, there is only one more step to take to start realizing the difference. You must practice your new ideas, philosophies and skills. You must act bravely with your new information.

When you apply your new knowledge and skills to everyday living, your life will change. You will align yourself with the Higher Self within. Your spirit will grow, your consciousness will expand and the energy of the universe will move through you, fluidly.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Transformation begins with desire, moves by your willingness and is completed through the will of action.” tc

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Affirmative Action

What is the secret to being happy? To getting what you want? To avoiding the pitfalls of life?

One way is to pay attention to what you say, think and do. Our thoughts are energy waves. When a person thinks that she will pass the test, receive the bonus or he is a leader, then that energy goes out into the universe and helps to create the desired state.

If a person thinks that he is ugly, not good at her job or thinks that “there is always something negative to deal with…” then that negative energy goes out into the universe and helps to bring about the same desired state.

One way to overcome the continuous negativity in your life and to begin receiving the good is to start training your brain to be positive! This type of self-talk is called affirmations. In the morning, while preparing for the day, look in the mirror and tell yourself the things that you want to believe but at this moment do not believe. You can even tape the written affirmations to your mirror.

For example, you may think that you are weak, ugly, dry and lacking in public confidence. Now, take these few areas and make them positive. Say: ”I am strong, I am handsome, I am funny, I am confident, I am good at my job, etc.

When you do this every day, you will begin to notice a change in your thoughts and behavior. Other’s may make comments about the change as well. When you have mastered these characteristics, try others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“In order to create the things that you need in this world, you must learn to see the world as you want it to be rather than how it is.” tc