Showing posts with label cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Full Circle

I believe, that as Spirit Beings in a physical body, the journey that our soul takes can be followed along the same path as the sun. This, of course, is similar to the horoscope signs of the zodiac or the path of the ecliptical.

Ancient cultures referred to this path as the Milky Way or the Path of the Soul The constellations are created star images that help guide one along their path. By opening to and learning the mythological themes to the constellations, one is able to mark their soul’s journey, above, as they walk the physical journey, below.

This journey repeats itself over and over, like the Ouroborus; the ancient symbol of the serpent swallowing its own tail, forming a circle. The Ouroborus is often described as representing the eternal return of life, renewing itself with each cycle of death.

When we learn The Way and do The Work, we harmonize the energy of our spirit. This releases us from the cycle of rebirth, which some Eastern religions hold as a truth. This release brings us in direct contact with the Divine Creator. Our soul’s journey is complete.               (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“By balancing the spiritual/divine side (vertical line) and the temporal/physical side (horizontal line), we unite in the center of our being (the circle) and we become the Light of the Divine.” tc

Friday, May 21, 2010

Symbolic Meaning

In my work of dream analysis, I do a lot of research to find the original or real meaning behind many of the archetype and common symbols that are in use today. Interestingly enough, many of the meanings behind the symbols we associate with today, were not originated by the perceived source that we have been led to believe. Most of us don’t question the given interpretation of a symbol offered by the ‘authorities’ but we ought to inquire about its initial definition because they have changed, sometimes radically, over time. Ancient symbols have been used, reused and misused throughout history.

Here are some examples of ancient symbols and their meanings:

The Swastika has become associated with the corrupted power of Hitler and Nazi Germany. However, the swastika is an ancient symbol. It has been found scratched on Siberian clay figures from the Neolithic period, found as decoration on American Zuni-Indian pottery, on the foot of Buddha as a magic sign and on 7th century statues and pots from the Aegean.

“The swastika actually represents the cross: the Great Mother’s body and her outstretched arms, the directions. The swastika means ‘earth in flight;’ the cross with feet or wings, set in motion. Later, the swastika came to represent the moon-wheel then, changed to signify the sun-wheel: like the double crescent (the Labrys), it indicated both directions of the cosmic spin: into creation and dissolution.” (Sjoo & Mor)

The early connotation of the Cross represented the earth, the Goddess of creation. The cross divides the four directions of the universe. Later, the vertical line came to symbolize ascension of spirit into Light and the descent of the Spirit into the human microcosm. The horizontal line indicates the temporal existence of mankind on earth. For the past two thousand years, Christianity has copied the symbol to represent their religion.

The Cosmic Snake derives from the original Goddess cosmology. It represents wisdom, immortality and continuity within change, the heart center, the cosmic energy. Combined with the world tree, found everywhere in Neolithic agricultural people, it symbolizes the garden of abundance. It reflected agricultural concerns of the ancient people. The serpent, by shedding its skin, incorporated being reborn in the spring, growing and changing. At least 2 thousand years before the Hebrew patriarchs wrote the “Garden of Eden” story, the serpent was powerful, magical, life-giving and implied peaceful abundance.

Today, in most cultures not associated with the negative twist presented by Christianity, the serpent is recognized as positive, powerful and epitomizes life, rebirth and illumination.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you give away your integrity to the control of others, you are led in circles, without ever going anywhere.” tc

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Good Teacher

Several years ago, I decided to attend college and fulfill a dream of earning a college degree that I had held since childhood.  I enrolled in one class just to see if I was really ready to pursue this dream now.
Unknowingly, one professor held the power to influence and transform one student's life in the palm of his hands. Dr. Melendez, not only influenced my life by providing an educational opening for me to feel confident enough to pursue my dream but he also offered a stimulating classroom, respectful learning environment and reassuring feedback to an unsure, yet, desiring new student.
Because of Dr. Melendez's genuine love of educating and degree of expertise, I was inspired to not only complete my undergraduate degree but I have also  earned a Master's degree in Psychology.  Soon, I will begin work on my doctorate. An exceptional teacher has the power to share knowledge and influence many, simply by believing enough in the lesson to inspire hope in others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The effects of a good teacher can reach much further than the immediate impact of the classroom."  tc