Showing posts with label diversity braid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diversity braid. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Diversity is Divine

Many years ago, I decided to become a volunteer with Hospice. Towards the end of my 20 hour training week, our volunteer group participated in a simple exercise. We were instructed to go to a table and select a variety of ribbons, yarn, string, rope, twine and other cord-like materials from this table. We were invited to select different colors, textures and lengths.

When everyone had picked their pieces, we were told to gather the material at one end and tie it in a knot. Next, we were instructed to braid the lose pieces together. I must say, most men have not had a lot of experience braiding and this part was amusing to watch.

The purpose of this exercise was to remind each one of us how different and unique we are. And, regardless of the differences, our lives have been woven together. Not one ribbon, rope, twine, yarn or string was the same, just like cultures. Not one newly created braid was the same, just like people. Looking at my braid and the others in the room, I realized how diverse the population is! For the volunteers, this project was a powerful reminder of how different the people are that arrives at hospice to share in the transition of death.

I still have my diversity braid and it is a rainbow of colors, textures and lengths. Through this exercise, I began to see how colorful and beautiful the world really is when we remove the conditioning of judgment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“We are unique individuals but made from the same colorful Light of the Creator.” tc