Showing posts with label pure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pure. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shadows and Light

Carl Jung, a German psychiatrist developed the “Shadow Theory.” The theory states that those things that we cannot deal with or do not recognize within ourselves are hidden in our subconsciousness. They take the form of our shadow.

We see our shadow in others but do not recognize it in ourselves. For example, I was in a classroom setting and the teacher read a series of 40 words to the class. We were instructed to write down the words that had an impact on us, either positive or negative. I wrote down a few words. When asked to reveal one, I selected wild and fat (lazy). These words hit a chord with me. Further explanation by the teacher helped me see that I was harboring a negative vibe against people who I perceived as lazy because I had been working very hard writing a book. I was in need of some ‘wild’ time; some fun because I had been working very hard without a break. My subconscious shadow of ‘laziness and wild’ disappeared when I recognized how I was feeling and how I was projecting those shadows onto others. Amazing.

We all do this in some format. It is not that we are bad or that the shadow is bad. The shadow is there to teach us where we need to learn and grow in our lives. It is important to know that simply by being aware and acknowledging the shadow, we bring it to Light and it begins to go away.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Purity contrasts sharply from evilness. However, neither one can be covered up or disguised.” tc