Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take That....

Karma. Ancient cultures from China to India and south to Peru and African tribes believe in Karma. What is Karma? The belief that every thought, word and deed that you have and /or exhibit comes back to you either in this life or in a future life.

So, what qualifies.: Making fun of people…yes. Hoping for something bad to happen to another…yes (even wishing their Karma on them). Harboring ill will against someone…yes. Not saying I’m sorry….yes. One ups-man-ship…yes. Lying, stealing coveting ….yes. Cheating on an exam…yes. Damaging others’ property…yes. Taking more than giving….yes. Whispering about others…yes. Crude, sarcasm….yes.

The ancient cultures of the past have tried to spread the most important message for all humanity to connect with. Whether it came through a spiritual faith, a cultural practice or passed through history in the form of stories, the most important message of life is to LOVE. Sending love to every living being and giving love is the only way….here and now, for you to live. Swallow the sarcasm, Change your thoughts, Release your pain and Stop your negative actions. When you do, life will happen for you.

“When you share enough love, you become the Light.” tc

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