Showing posts with label arctic blast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arctic blast. Show all posts

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Uncanny ability

Admittedly, I have an uncanny ability :) that allows me to see all the good and bad aspects of people around me.  It is such a rare gift that for a time, I thought it was important to use this gift and point out the flaws of others!
Then, in my alienated state of being, I started looking for the similarities that I share with each person I encounter, rather than the differences.  How fascinating to learn that deep down, we are all basically the same.  We all want to feel love, laugh with others and have a meaningful life experience.  This newfound gift of acceptance has brought me closer to people, animals and God.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"The only difference between an arctic blast and the breath of heaven is the amount of Light shining around you."