Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beauty with a Purpose

I was watching several butterflies today and suddenly, I thought, “What is the purpose of a butterfly?” Do you know? I didn’t, so I did a little research.

Besides being beautiful, a butterfly has an important part to play in the ecology of many life systems. Butterflies pollinate plants, which help fruits, vegetables and flowers to produce new seeds. This is a similar action that bees carry out. Butterflies are also food for birds, mammals and other insects.

Did you know that no two butterflies are exactly the same? Also, butterflies display every color of the rainbow! Here is one more bit of fact for you, butterflies have lived on earth for at least 150 million years and are found everywhere but Antarctica. Not only are they beautiful insects…..they also have an important part in balancing nature.

Everything that the Divine created has a purpose. Four-legged animals, insects, birds, fish and even the trees and vegetation live by instinct or cellular/chemical direction.

Humans are provided instinct and cellular/chemical direction to guide their lives. However, they are also given a complex and powerful tool called a brain. Our brain is the mechanism for our development and growth. This IS the instrument of our co-creation with God.

Through the balancing of our mental (chemical), emotional (instinctual), physical and spiritual aspects, we can possess the Light of God and co-create beautiful things around us. This is the purpose of your life.

So, on that note the quote of the day is:

“Live out your purpose by spreading the Loving Light of God.” tc

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grace of God

Where does this power come from?

The ability to survive your child’s death.
The fortitude to overcome an addiction.
The strength to move beyond a break-up.
The will to walk again after a paralyzing stroke.
The muscle to stand up to a bully.
The endurance to find a job in a down economy.
The compassion to forgive an injured soul.
The control to be quiet when you want to scream.
The belief in life after taking one. 

When you put your faith in God, anything is possible. When facing the most daunting of obstacles, God is with you to ensure a positive outcome. That does not mean that all answers are yes. It means that you are never, ever alone.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Only through the Grace of God will you draw upon the power to overcome the challenges that you face.” tc

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Survivor

I have heard many people talk about the situations in life in which they have survived.  Certainly, there is a sense of deliverance for those who have come through extreme conditions where one is face to face with death. That is not what I am talking about.  What I talking about is the frequency in which I hear people talk about 'surviving' everyday circumstances. For example, have you heard or even said at some point something like, "I survived: the meeting with my child's teacher, teenagers, rush hour, a minor injury, some other person's behavior, a job interview, the previous month, an inspection, a visitor, holidays with the in-laws, moving, relationships, etc.? These types of 'survival' events do not place people in imminent death positions.  These types of events are LIFE.
It is important to realize that most of the circumstances that we find ourselves in are circumstances resulting from the decisions that we make in the reality of routine life. When I stopped surviving: the divorce, the kids moving out and the endless hours of self-development, I realized that living life is so much more of an accomplishment than surviving it.  Today, I live fully in each moment.  Wow!  What an incredible concept of freedom that is often not even taught.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"With the elegant grace of a butterfly, we must be brave, break free from our cocoons, spread our wings and fly!" tc