Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Give More Than You Take

This is a theme that has permeated organized cultures, specifically, their religions for thousands of years. But, what does it really mean? I have always associated this with being generous and sharing what I have. However, recently, I have begun to question, if that is enough.

I have watched my parents, friends and neighbors give to those seemingly, less well-off. I have tried to emulate them in being generous with the money that I have and I am always trying to share, if I see a need. But once again, is that enough?

Does this theme apply to: helping someone in need, AFTER you are satisfied or before? Does giving only include monetary sharing or does it include sharing of self, too? What about attention seekers (I’m not talking about children here)? Does taking more attention from others for yourself, fit into this category? The Hindus have a saying about this topic. It is:

"Every selfless act...is born from Brahman, the eternal, infinite Godhead. He is present in every act of service."
- Bhagavad Gita 3:15

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Every act of selfless goodness brings us closer to God.” tc

1 comment:

  1. Giving without love is nothing. Do not give with repayment of any kind in mind. When giving to causes, it is not necessary to have your name listed as contributors. God sees all and knows all. I mean ALL! He knows if your giving is from the heart and will treat it accordingly. You can't buy your way to heaven but you might be able to help make an occasional person's burden a little lighter. Giving sincerely of self, with love, is far more valuable then gold in the eyes of the recipient and in God's all knowing eyes. Love is an action. Keep it flowing!
