Showing posts with label soil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soil. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

License to Kill

Mother Earth is our home. She has given us pure water to drink, fresh air to breath and rich soil, in which to feed us. Regardless of how much we overuse the land, pollute air and waste the water, she continues to try and purify all of it.

She attempts to discipline the children of earth from time to time by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, wind storms and flooding but we just keep on doing what we are doing with little to no regard for the consequences.

Yes, there are consequences! Everything of the earth is organic, perishable material. If you think you can continue to pollute, abuse and overuse the land, then you have permission…..on one condition. When you are able to make soil, produce water and create new air, from scratch, that will take care of billions of people, and maintain the delicate balance of mother nature; then there will be less of a need to be conservative with our limited natural resources!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you can co-create from nothing, then you can act like God.” tc