Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Canopy of Color

Bold and pastel colors blend together to create an alluring rainbow arc across the sky.  A spectacular patchwork of reds, golds and oranges decorate the towering autumn treetops.  Bright and twinkling stars dot the heavens with a panoramic view of enticing design. Each lovely scene in their own way has inspired poets to write sonnets of love, musicians to compose unforgettable scores of adventure and dreamers to produce unique works of art that touch all of our lives.
As often as we look outward and upward for inspiration, answers and direction, let us not forget that what lies below the expansive paradise above us is where the raw beauty of nature plays itself out.  A pregnant woman nurturing new life, a teenager nervous about his/her first date, a young couple heading off on their honeymoon, an old man holding his wife's hand as they share one last breath together:  these are the stitches in the fabric of our lives.  All the exquisite moments of our journey are completed in the physical manifestation of our being. There is nothing more magnificent 'up there,' that does not in some way reflect 'down here.'  It all depends where you are looking.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The Essence of life is found below the canopy of God's great design." tc

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Seeing Stars

Oh, love is such a wonderful feeling. Those first weeks or months send us into a dreamy state of desire. We are inspired to be kinder to others, see a lighter side to life and we usually make extra effort to shower the other person with goodness.  However, at some point, the initial romance quiets down and the groundwork for lasting love must be built, if the relationship is to develop further. But what is the foundation of that lasting love?
It is not the co-dependent need for another.  It is not the expectation of someone else to fulfill your life.  It is not the discovery of 'your other half,' to complete you.
The foundation of lasting love begins with each person holding onto Their Own Gold. It is staying true to yourself and letting the other person be true to themselves, as well. You are a whole and complete individual without anyone or anything else! True love does not control, manipulate, envy or possess another. True love provides a warm, safe environment for each person to learn and grow in their life. True love is not an emotion, rather it is the gift of a sactuary for the Light of God to live within.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Love can anchor us to a specific space and time or transcend us into eternity." tc