Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Like You

You’ve heard of the ‘ol saying of “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” right? As a teenager, I denied the accuracy of this statement, emphatically. However, as an adult, I cherish the similarities that can be observed relating to my Mother and Dad.

I learned how to do things, what to say, how to act, what is important, what to believe, why this over that and what not to do…..from my parents.

This month, my Mother and Dad will be celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary, a pure miracle in today’s society for longevity and love. I thought I would take this blog to honor them both.

I was quiet as a child….just like you.
I found my voice as a mother….just like you.
I care about the well-being of others….just like you.
I believe in One Almighty God….just like you.
I worked hard to educate myself…just like you.
I am strong and independent, yet bound by love….just like you.
I am beautiful inside and out…..just like you.

I struggled in my youth to show emotions….just like you.
I am a student of life….just like you.
I am philosophical….just like you.
I laugh while trying to tell a joke…just like you.
I found true faith in God…just like you.
I love to share my gifts and talents with others….just like you.
I am beautiful inside and out….just like you.

Thank you for being a fruitful tree for my life. Not every branch that I have spouted has produced gold-medal apples but the nurturing and light from your roots has nourished a healthy forest for my future.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“I love you, Mother and Dad.” tc