Sunday, October 17, 2010

Where am I?

Can you guess which state this photo was taken in? Let me give you a couple of clues:

Was once known for having the largest dam in the world.

Is billed as being the “Entertainment Capital of the World.

Has one of the premier skiing destinations in the world.

Did you guess Nevada? This photo was taken near River Ranch, Nevada in the northern area of the state, along the California Trail Highway. I had never traveled through this area before and found it to be surprisingly beautiful compared to the more rough and rugged regions in the southern part of the state.

It brought to mind the ‘ol saying of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” When we make assumptions about people and places, without taking the time to educate ourselves, we usually discover, to our dismay, that we are incorrect. Most people will associate the state of Nevada as the the city of Las Vegas. However, there is a lot more to Nevada then the bright lights of “Sin City.”

So, on that note, the quote of the day is

“When we take what other people say as fact without examining all the details, our perceptions become limited to their point of view.” tc

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