Sunday, October 24, 2010

Around the Bend

This type of road always reminds me to practice flexibility.

Example: Recently, I have been doing some traveling. After a couple of days of ‘sponge-bathing’ I was feeling more than ready for a nice hot shower. In fact, the only thing that I wanted on this particular day was to take a shower. My focus (justified by my drive for cleanliness) was only on getting a shower. I did not take into consideration anyone else’s feelings or desires for that day.

The Goddess decided to teach me a valuable lesson. Upon arriving at the facility where we would be able to shower, the women’s area was closed for the morning! Once again, I was reminded of the power of the ego and wanting something MY WAY. I wanted, I needed, I desired, I was going to have a shower……Wrong!

The rest of the day’s activities precluded me from standing under the refreshing, cleansing stream of a hot shower. I humbly resorted to another sponge-bath, fully aware of my error in selfishness and the power of the ego.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When one surrenders to the brilliant guidance of the Goddess, all is provided in her time and teaching.” tc

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