Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tar and Feathered......Not.

My Beloved, You Are Loved! My Beloved, You Are Loved! My Beloved, You Are Loved!

As you read the above line slowly and deliberately, I want you to know that this is the most important Universal Truth. Our life is a covenant of the Creator to let us know that we are loved. Nothing else takes precedence over this promise.

While some religious doctrine, associate the Holy Grail to that of an object like a cup, plate or cauldron, the true sacred vessel is the divine human! We do not need to search the depths of the dirt or the waters of the sea for the most prized container of the Divine. We only need to look in the mirror and accept the beauty and simplicity of the original covenant.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Love is the promise to your Wings of Freedom.” tc

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