Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reaching Out

I have been inspired by so many people in my life. Recently, I talked to some homeless folks living by a bathroom in the park. A man was laying down sleeping. Another couple was huddled together keeping warm, while a lady with one leg, in a wheel chair took the position of guardian over them. She had a rather intimidating dog on a leash with her.

I approached the group on my way past the bathroom. I asked if they were alright and if they needed anything. This lady lit up as I approached her. I inquired as to the friendliness of the dog, too. :) She was so sweet. She told me that the dog was friendly, which I quickly discovered as he nuzzled up for attention. The kind woman informed me that they were all fine.

As I left her encampment, I offered a blessing for their protection. She responded by telling me that she loved me. Wow, what a beautiful surprise! So many people fear and ridicule the homeless and in one moment, I was gifted a strangers love, simply by stopping in my tracks to help another.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Reach out and ignite a fire of love where ever you go.” tc

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