Friday, October 8, 2010

Divine Union

A friend of mine showed me a 'mobius band' the other day. I had never seen one before nor did I know anything about them. A mobius is an interesting shape. It is a surface that has two sides but there is only one boundary component. You can make a mobius ban by taking a strip of paper and give it a half twist. Then, tape the two ends together. If you were to draw a line around the band, (start at any given point and trace a line back to the original starting point) you would negotiate across both sides without ever crossing an edge. Try it.

………….Google “mobius” and learn more about this interesting shape and its uses in more detail.

For the blog, a mobius correlates to my theory about people. We are made up of Earthly and Divine sides. That is to say that we are both Physical and Spiritual Beings. The earthly side contains our physical and emotional aspects. The divine side consists of our mental and spiritual aspects. When we combine the two aspects, we become One, integrated and whole energy being. When balanced, the energy of our body flows like that of a mobius, twisting, turning and connecting each part as one, all-encompassing unit. Divine harmony is attained.                            (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When one is completely balanced, there is no difference between what is left or what is right.” tc

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