Saturday, October 16, 2010

Divine Feminine

I have been introducing the Divine Feminine in the last few postings. I find it so interesting that our worldly culture over the past 4000 years or so has managed to suppress the representation of the feminine in many religious structures, ethnic groups, educational positions , family balance and basically in every avenue of life, unless the feminine is placed in a subservient position to the dominant male figure-head.

Kwan Yin, Diana and Mary Magdalene are just a few of the powerful feminine forces in recent history that have taken a back-seat to Male Dominion. Is it any wonder why the world is in such chaos? After all, the foundation of balance and harmony at the core of creation between male and female is completely out of whack with what the creator had intended.

Thinking for just a moment about the creator, I have found it thought provoking to take a Male God, Male Son and Male Spirit as the representation of the creative forces of the universe. Common sense tells all of us that it is the FEMININE energies that Create life. Ask any mother who created, nurtured, cared for and bore a child. How can Male dominion, male figure-heads and male energy create anything natural? Simply……it cannot.

The creative energies and forces in the entire universe are feminine! God is actually Goddess.  This is not to take away from the male force in any way. In fact, the rebalancing of the male/female energies is exactly what our world, both physical and spiritual is working towards. Patriarchal dominion and the excessive male force in our world has brought us to this readjustment period. Instead of perceiving the transition as a loss to the 'male ego,' the rebalancing of the feminine should be celebrated as love and light for ALL.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May the communal, feminine love of the Divine embrace you with the all-knowing nurturing of the truth about creation.” tc


  1. Hi SageHeart,

    This is a wonderful post and your points – especially about the creative force of the universe being feminine – are wonderful. Although I really, really hesitate to talk about my own work on other people’s sites, I can’t help but think that you would be very interested in my latest book The Divine Feminine Fire: Creativity and Your Yearning to Express Your Self (Dreamriver Press, USA) – it explores the divine feminine as the creative/transformative force in each and every one of us – and delves into the amazing parallels between in Shakti, the divine feminine in yoga and Tantra, and Shekinah and Sophia in Judeo-Christian tradition.

  2. I also find it interesting the advent of more women in politics today. Can you talk some of this particular movement what it may mean for the future of politics in America today?
