Friday, October 15, 2010


I have often questioned the wisdom of religion. Do they have it right? Why are there so many contradictions within the teachings? Christianity on a whole postulates that we are all sinners. I ask you….for a divine creator to produce the abundance of beauty and diverse life-forms as we witness today, truly… what is sin?

After much thought and many discussions with those wiser than myself, I have come to accept that “TO DIE” is the only sin of the created. Moses (of the Christian Bible) brought down two tablets from Mount Sinai containing writings presented by His God. Do we really know if these were to be classified as the 10 Commandments of life or could it be that these 10 statements were actually descriptions of what characterizes the Divine Creator?

“Thou shall not kill”

Instead of this being a dictated command, could we possibly have misunderstood the Divine’s teaching to be “I will not kill you?”

“Thou shall not have other God’s before me.”

Instead of this command reading as a jealous and possessive God, is it possible to interpret this statement as “You do not need any other Gods but me?”

“Thou shall keep holy the Sabbath”

Instead of a creator demanding that its people attend church, synagogue, temple or other religious gathering, is it possible that the Divine wanted us to remember to take a day and rest from our work? To take a day off and reflect upon the goodness that has been granted to us?

And one final review:

“Honor your Mother and Father.”

Understanding that our mothers and fathers are our earthly creators, is it possible that the Divine was trying to communicate the fact that we are born from the Light of God/Goddess and that our spirit originated from the Mother/Father figure of the Most High?

This may seem like a foreign interpretation of the ‘Law of the Land.’ However, this has only been the law for less than 5000 years of history. Prior to this Judeo/Christian teaching, the law was that of harmony, balance and life through the Great Mother/ Goddess.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Salvation comes from within. It is not pressed upon you by others.” tc

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