Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your entitlement

There is a prevailing attitude of 'entitlement without cause' in our country today.  We hear about crooked politicians on the news getting caught performing illegal deals.  We read about money managers stealing millions from their clients.  We even watch reality programs on TV that encourage and support poor behavior.
Interestingly enough, all of this daily 'entertainment' impacts how we relate in the world.  Oftentimes, while we are busy focusing on everyone else's lives, we do not look in the mirror at the situations that we are creating in our own. 
If we do not spend quality time with our families, we create the breakdown in the family unit.  If we work excessively to acquire money, power and prestige, we create the stressful environment that comes without rest.  If we eat foods that are unhealthy and sit around all day, we create the diseases that weaken our bodies. 
I believe that it is time for all of us to refocus our attention on our own lives and see the measure of entitlement that we have established as the norm.  We are not helpless bystanders of circumstance.  We are responsible for what we produce: good or bad.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"We create our thunderstorms in life.  God only offers the rainbows." tc

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