Friday, February 12, 2010

Wolf moon

I used to be one of those people who liked everything planned, organized, prepared and predictable.  It gave me comfort to know exactly what was going to happen next. However, that comfort was an illusion that I created to try and control all situations.  In all reality, the comfort that I derived from thinking that I knew what was going to happen next, actually increased the anxiety that I felt when things didn't go according to my plan.
I have since learned that flexibility is one of the keys to enjoying my life.  Now, I am surprised all the time with events that happen.  By giving up the control that I used to maintain, at all costs, I now enjoy where life takes me and how those events enrich my life in more ways than I ever could have predicted.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The Oracle of light may illuminate down a path that you have never traveled before but that should not diminish the brightness of it's glow." tc

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