Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Smooth sailing

There are a number of different cultures around the globe.  Spanish, Italian and Greek cultures focus on the family unit and helping each other.  Hindus have a spiritually based culture that does not distinguish between religion and everyday life. Indigenous-type cultures are survival focused and only consume what they actually need for the day.
The American culture, even with all of it's subcultures, is very money-oriented.  The prevailing attitude is about me, myself and I, not to mention what I have or what I can buy. This mentality has helped drive the over-consumption of resources, the lack of respect towards others and the breakdown in hope that is seen throughout our country. We all have the option to change how we feel, what we think and how we act. Our real freedom lies in what we choose.   

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Once you shed the veil of self, your world opens up with such clarity that it is blinding." tc

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