Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ripple Effect

A spider's web is one of my 'Seven Wonders of the World."  The spider uses delicate, silken thread to weave together a spectacular masterpiece of impact. The spider can sit for days waiting for a fly or bug to encounter his domain. When another insect lands in the web, the harmonic frequency or vibration of the thread, signals the spider that he has a guest. How the spider treats his guest will determine his health for that day.
How we treat the people who enter our domain, also creates a vibration or harmonic sound.  If we are kind and loving, most people will respond similarly.  However, if we are rude or abrasive, the ripple effect of our tone will carry forward impacting more than just the target of our projection.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Our lifestyles may be different but our lives are interwoven to enrich our experiences and help us grow." tc

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