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Showing posts with label actions. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fire Inside

I heard this quote the other day and found it interesting to think about.

“When there is a fire some people bring wood, while others bring water.”

When I look back on my life, I can clearly see the times when I brought wood and contributed to the blazing fires around me. On some occasions, I even built the fire and invited others to throw some gasoline on it. Many of these events took place in my youth. I thought I knew so much, was right about most things and was invincible.

Then, life decided to teach me a few lessons. As I matured, I found myself beginning to lay the logs down and I began picking up buckets of water, instead. I discovered that it took a lot of energy to keep certain fires burning and I was becoming busy with other things in my life.

Now, I carry extra water in my truck and put out fires wherever I go. I realize that the benefit of fire is so limited in life and few know how to use fire effectively to accomplish anything in a positive manner, so it is much better to put the fires out, rather than try to manage an already explosive situation.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“I hope you throw water, instead of wood on the fires around you.” tc