Monday, August 1, 2016
I took an early morning drive today. I did not have a set destination. I had no intent of shopping or seeing friends. I simply wanted to see the countryside in a different light. I headed northward, a direction I rarely go and cruised along the highway.
In these high Rocky Mountain valleys, the temperature can vary greatly. A cool misty morning may give way to a clear, blazing hot afternoon. So, as I proceeded up the road into a rather populated mountain valley, I encountered brief pockets of fog. Although my mountain view was hampered, I continued along the route. The light filtering through the thin morning fog cast a magical hue over the entire road.
A few more miles up the road, I rounded a bend. Suddenly, a rainbow appeared in front of me. That 'ol magical myth came into mind as I remembered that 'at the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold!'
Driving further up the highway, the rainbow seemed to end in the middle of the road. As I approached, the colors became wider and less vibrant but I could still see the rainbow. I slowed down a bit to watch where the rainbow ended. Luckily, there was not many people traveling to work, yet. Closer, closer, closer........... I came to it. Then........I was in the End -of -the-Rainbow!!
(musical tune) Celebrate, good times. Come on. We're gonna have a good time tonight, Let's celebrate. It's all right! (musical tune)
Wait.............where's the pot-o-gold?
On that note: "You are the gold."
Monday, July 18, 2016
Hitting the Wall
Castle Mountain, Gunnison, CO
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations have been about two hundred years. During those two hundred years these nations have progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back to bondage." Author Unknown
On that note, "Exalted can stand when we break the cycles that no longer serve our greater good."
Friday, July 1, 2016
It's raining the day you plan to spend at the beach....but your roses are blooming, abundantly.
Your tire is flat and you are late for work....but you meet your perfect mate having the tire repaired.
Your favorite shirt has a stain and you select a different blouse......but everyone compliments the beautiful color bringing out your eyes.
Road construction delays your travels.....but parked on the highway for 15 minutes gives you an opportunity to make the call to a loved one that you did not have time to make this week.
Life is a series of experiences. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. If you change your attitude, (or here in the Rockies, your altitude) you will receive a very different perspective.
So, on that note: "When was the last time you did something for the first time? Embrace the day."
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Consciousness Creates Reality
When we blend the primary influences of our human experience, we find that the Big Picture of the puzzle is simple yet, shatteringly profound. Let's review in brief, the umbrella of topics:
Psychology (Mind)
Sigmund Freud's Trinity of Consciousness as explained by the Id, Ego and Superego are developmental aspects of our psyche. They are the influential forces of our unconscious, which drives our beliefs, desires, emotions and personality in experiential life.
Carl Jung added the Archetype structure of the Universal Collective Unconscious, which is our "pre-existent prototypes of the things of the material world," our memories, feelings and ideas from a preformed, yet connected thought of creation. This is the conceptual patterns behind mythology, religion and even our thought process.
New Age Spiritualism (Spirit)
A free-flowing spiritual movement of self-actualization through a variety of practices and beliefs. Using Crystals, Tarot cards, astrology, charms, candles, drums, yoga and various tools to express oneself, people under this movement seek a freedom to experience themselves as spiritual beings.
Sacred Geometry is a code involving the patterns of our reality symbolically found in our prehistoric human past for creation, which can be applied to how flowers grow, the nesting of the planets, musical harmonics, art, architecture and seems to include the establishment of space and time. It is "Nature's Divine Design."
Religion (God)
Ancient Egyptian Mythology is a description of the 'gods' and their mythical explanation of the creation of the world. There is Nun the Goddess of the primordial waters, Ra the sun God placed in the sky. Maat the Goddess of order from chaos. Geb the God of Earth, Nut the Goddess of the sky or heavens. Shu the God of air that separates the earth and sky. And the entire pantheon of Gods and Goddesses describe in colorful detail the act of creation and continual life.
Ancient Egyptian Mythology is a description of the 'gods' and their mythical explanation of the creation of the world. There is Nun the Goddess of the primordial waters, Ra the sun God placed in the sky. Maat the Goddess of order from chaos. Geb the God of Earth, Nut the Goddess of the sky or heavens. Shu the God of air that separates the earth and sky. And the entire pantheon of Gods and Goddesses describe in colorful detail the act of creation and continual life.
The Vedic faiths: Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism all have 'sacred texts" that attempt to explain creation and certain acceptable behaviors in society. All these faiths or practices claim a Higher Power, aka God, that permeates all life and is peaceful and loving.
In similar fashion as the Egyptian Creation myth, in the simplified Christian Genesis story, the act of creation is said to have taken form over a period of time. Light separated the chaos of darkness. The heavens and earth were created, etc. The drama of "who is god" and "who are we" seem to unfold in the sacred writings of ancient times.
Math & Science (Body)
Biology is the study of the kaleidoscope of living organisms. Chemistry is the study of elements of matter and how they are structured, combine, change and interact. Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space and time. Mathematics is the study of quantity.
Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) said, "The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth."
Quantum Physics attempts to define reality by studying particles of solids, atoms, sub-nuclear particles, light and wave functions (to name a few). They ask, "what is really real?" Within the Quantum field of study there is: "Zero-point Energy- the lowest possible energy a quantum mechanical physical system can have, yet this zero-point field holds more energy than all the matter known in the universe." Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle demonstrates a world in perpetual flux, meaning that it blinks in and out of existence, ie. Holographic. David Bohm theorizes that consciousness and matter are "inextricably intertwined."
It is my absolute belief that Science has proven God!
God is Pure Consciousness permeating and energizing all of creation on a Quantum level of measurable energy known as the Zero-Point Energy Field; continuously creating the Fabric of Reality in which we Evolve.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Miracle Weeds
We novice gardeners have all purchased a bag or two of the Miracle Grow garden soil. It is enriched with nutrients to stimulate rapid growth for flowers and vegetables, right? Miracle Grow is used primarily for potted plants but occasionally added to nutrient-weak soil.
Well, this season I decided to plant a garden not simply potted flowers.
I rototilled the soil, raked the old weeds, grasses and mystery greens out of the designated area for planting.
I fertilized the soil with VERY AGED horse manure.
I selected the choice summer veggies to plant.
I waited until the moon phase was right for planting.
I prepared the soil, again for planting and put in my veggies.
A week passed. Nothing. Another week and .....WoW. Green Stuff was poking through the soil. But, I noticed, there were more green stuff outside of my neatly prepared rows of onions, spinach, asparagus and tomatoes than crop sprouts. Do you know what I discovered after the third week?
God had given me Miracle Soil! Daily, I was in the garden pulling small basket loads of mystery sprouts from my perfectly planted garden rows. Carefully, I tugged on any green stem that didn't match the veggies I had planted in order to dislodge root and all. No matter what I did, the Miracle Soil was producing far more Miracle Weeds than the rate of growth of my summer vegetables.
It didn't take long to turn my novice green-thumb.......Blue hoo-hoo!
So, on that note: "We are all Miracle Soil for Divine but some of our efforts will blossom more fruitfully than others."
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Fish Stories
So, the story goes:
"Honey, you wouldn't believe it! I had been sitting on the side of the lake all morning with nothing more than a nibble. Cold, a bit sore and hungry; I was about to call it a day when suddenly, the skies parted, my line went under and I was in for the fight of my life.......He dove and angled out towards the center of the lake. Then, abruptly turned and aimed straight for me. Reeling in my line as fast as I could to keep tension on the hook, I could see him just below the surface of the water. He was Big! I am telling you, dear, he was the biggest fish I've ever hooked. Back and forth, Back and forth he swam, 10 maybe 15 feet from shore. Goodness gracious, my rod was bent to nearly breaking point when, surprisingly he dove deep. Again, I let my line out and held onto my rod. Without warning, tension let up on my rod and from out of the blue he jumped out of the water, arching into another dive, just like on TV. He was so beautiful outlined by the sky and mountains.........."
We have all heard those, seemingly unreal stories that people tell. We listen entranced by the awe and wonder of the tale. We wonder, "Is this for real?" We want to believe a good story. We deny and try to ignore the not so good stories. But, it all comes down to proof, doesn't it? Did he or she land the fish? Was it a "big one?"
Then, the facts become a bit convoluted. You see that the fish really wasn't as big as the one you caught last summer. You remember that day was clear and sunny, not cloudy and cold. The buddy fishing next to him embellishes the story more with his version. And, before long, you're not sure what to believe.
Storytellers have been weaving the fabric of history since the beginning of mankind. Sometimes, the facts are mere shadows of the truth. The story, slightly exaggerated may influence you to take action, like go fishing and inspire you to experience the same or similar exultation. Or, the story may turn you off to the practice, all together. It is important to remember that we each see and feel life differently. We each have likes and dislikes that persuade our understanding of life. The facts are only factual from each person's perspective.
So, on that note: "Respect each person's story but beware of a jagged hook."
"Honey, you wouldn't believe it! I had been sitting on the side of the lake all morning with nothing more than a nibble. Cold, a bit sore and hungry; I was about to call it a day when suddenly, the skies parted, my line went under and I was in for the fight of my life.......He dove and angled out towards the center of the lake. Then, abruptly turned and aimed straight for me. Reeling in my line as fast as I could to keep tension on the hook, I could see him just below the surface of the water. He was Big! I am telling you, dear, he was the biggest fish I've ever hooked. Back and forth, Back and forth he swam, 10 maybe 15 feet from shore. Goodness gracious, my rod was bent to nearly breaking point when, surprisingly he dove deep. Again, I let my line out and held onto my rod. Without warning, tension let up on my rod and from out of the blue he jumped out of the water, arching into another dive, just like on TV. He was so beautiful outlined by the sky and mountains.........."
We have all heard those, seemingly unreal stories that people tell. We listen entranced by the awe and wonder of the tale. We wonder, "Is this for real?" We want to believe a good story. We deny and try to ignore the not so good stories. But, it all comes down to proof, doesn't it? Did he or she land the fish? Was it a "big one?"
Then, the facts become a bit convoluted. You see that the fish really wasn't as big as the one you caught last summer. You remember that day was clear and sunny, not cloudy and cold. The buddy fishing next to him embellishes the story more with his version. And, before long, you're not sure what to believe.
Storytellers have been weaving the fabric of history since the beginning of mankind. Sometimes, the facts are mere shadows of the truth. The story, slightly exaggerated may influence you to take action, like go fishing and inspire you to experience the same or similar exultation. Or, the story may turn you off to the practice, all together. It is important to remember that we each see and feel life differently. We each have likes and dislikes that persuade our understanding of life. The facts are only factual from each person's perspective.
So, on that note: "Respect each person's story but beware of a jagged hook."
Monday, May 30, 2016
Evolutionary Life
Two Million years ago humans we were in an early stage of evolution called Homo habilis. Then, came Homo Erectus, Homo Sapien and the future evolutionary step is named Homo Luminous. What is Human Evolution all about?
Suns, Stars, Planets, Moons, Galaxies, Universes, Planes and Dimensions. The cosmos is full of light and life continuously renewing itself, endlessly. How?
Spiritualism, One World, Higher Consciousness, Interconnectedness, Chakras, Kundalini, Sacred Spiral and The Tree of Life. What are all of these terms attempting to convey?
Gods, Ascended Masters, Star People (Aliens) Saints, Angels and Prophets. Why are these descriptions of human-like entities possessing not only a greater intelligence but seemingly able to utilize greater powers than modern human?
There seems to be a Divine Plan, a Bigger Picture even a Process established for all life to grow and evolve. Humanity is a large part of this picture. As I have stated previously, we are each a spiritual Being having a human experience. Our Soul is temporarily housed in a human body in order to experience a vast array of events and to learn and grow from each occurrence. This body of experiences reconnects our Spirit to the Sacred Divine and we grow towards unity with God.
When your Soul has experienced all that it needs to know, the final incarnation as human is the most challenging. The purpose of your final incarnation is to complete your Soul's evolution and reunite with the Sacred Divine; becoming your true Divine Self.
There is a process and technique to this epitome of life. It is called Kundalini Awakening! The next phase of human evolution is to become Homo Luminous, which means Human Light. The Divine Light of God on Earth. This practice of human transformation and transfiguration has been available to us for thousands of years. It is the absolute Alchemy of the soul. Through years of dedicated effort in opening to the goodness of Divine and discarding the negative energies; a person is able to evolve in one lifetime to the embodiment of the Sacred.
So, on that note: "The Spirit of God is in every face we see."
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Flower of Life
To continue the sharing of Qabalah knowledge, I would like to introduce an ancient image.
Seed of Life
The Seed of Life is the Geometric Sacred Blueprint for the basis of the universe. One central circle or sphere is overlapped with six evenly-spaced circles, The hexagonal arrangement of symmetrical spheres form a flower-like pattern. As this pattern repeats and expands outward, you can see the form of the Flower of Life, which is generally depicted with 19 circles.
Flower of Life
Image copied from the Online Nevada University website
Image copied from the Online Nevada University website
Contained within this ancient pattern, also known as the Tree of Life, you can find the Sacred Geometric Spiral, the Platonic Solids, the Metatron's Cube, the Tube Torus, the Merkaba, the Yin Yang, the Chakras, and the Caduceus with the DNA Helix Spiral.
Superimposing the Qabablah over the Flower of Life, you can see the intimate, inter-relational continuity of the geometric pattern for all Creation. The seven inner circles of the Flower of Life, make up the Seed of Life. The Qabalah overlays the Seed of Life with Tipareth or the middle sphere known as "beauty" placed in the very center of the image. This geometric pattern contains the basis for every atomic and molecular structure for every life form known in existence.
Adding 1 more repeating-pattern expansion to the rotating Flower of Life gives you the outer
sphere, which links the soul chakra to the Qabalah tree. By connecting the 13 primary spheres of the Flower of Life, you have the Fruit of Life or Metatron's Cube.
This geometric pattern reveals more easily the Platonic Solids, the Star of David and the Merkaba. The Metatron's Cube is the key to the formation of Reality, Dimensional Travel, Higher Consciousness and the realization of your intimate connection to God and your divinity.
What all this means is that our cosmos, the stars and planets, our fields of study like math, biology and physics, the number of petals on a flower, the very act of splitting and dividing cells in a fetus to create a baby, and even the crystals in the earth are all part of a Grand Design.
The ongoing act of creation explained through science, the geometric patterns of life, the love and desires we hold for goodness and each other are all absolute proof of a Living and Loving Creator God.
So, on that note, "The building blocks of Divine Harmony is not contained within humankind's walls."
Superimposing the Qabablah over the Flower of Life, you can see the intimate, inter-relational continuity of the geometric pattern for all Creation. The seven inner circles of the Flower of Life, make up the Seed of Life. The Qabalah overlays the Seed of Life with Tipareth or the middle sphere known as "beauty" placed in the very center of the image. This geometric pattern contains the basis for every atomic and molecular structure for every life form known in existence.
Adding 1 more repeating-pattern expansion to the rotating Flower of Life gives you the outer
sphere, which links the soul chakra to the Qabalah tree. By connecting the 13 primary spheres of the Flower of Life, you have the Fruit of Life or Metatron's Cube.
This geometric pattern reveals more easily the Platonic Solids, the Star of David and the Merkaba. The Metatron's Cube is the key to the formation of Reality, Dimensional Travel, Higher Consciousness and the realization of your intimate connection to God and your divinity.
What all this means is that our cosmos, the stars and planets, our fields of study like math, biology and physics, the number of petals on a flower, the very act of splitting and dividing cells in a fetus to create a baby, and even the crystals in the earth are all part of a Grand Design.
The ongoing act of creation explained through science, the geometric patterns of life, the love and desires we hold for goodness and each other are all absolute proof of a Living and Loving Creator God.
So, on that note, "The building blocks of Divine Harmony is not contained within humankind's walls."
The Qabalah

Image taken from "'Hermetic Qabalah" on
Qabalah or Kabbalah is a form of ancient Jewish mysticism, also known as the Tree of Life that expresses the Conception of Divinity from the unmanifest realm into the manifest reality of physical creation. The Qabalah Tree is known throughout the world in various forms. A common version in Western society is observed as the abridged story of Genesis and the Christian 10 Commandments.
The esoteric practice of the Qabalah has affected all societies around the globe in a diverse array of cultural and religious configurations. Enigmatic practices such as: Hermeticism, the Trinity, Astrology, Alchemy, Tantra, Angel Magic, Tarot and Pagan Gnosticism all have inspirational beliefs based upon the earliest writings pertaining to the Qabalah Tree and the Divine.
The magical mystical Qabalah is known to be a gift from God to humankind for the purpose of understanding the seemingly, unknowable.
So on that note: "Learning is an ongoing search. Wisdom is the answer."
Saturday, May 7, 2016
This is a photograph taken from Stuart Clark's book, "Galaxy, Exploring the Milky Way."
This is a photograph of the Flaming Star Nebula (IC405) in the Auriga Constellation.
The artist-enhanced, color image in Auriga constellation gives us quite a spectacular view of this new star forming within the gaseous vapor of creation. Auriga, Cepheus, Orion, Sirius, Lyra, Scorpius........Why are there shapes or images made out of our stars in the night sky? What is the importance of constellations? I don't think the constellations of the zodiac were created simply for us to have insight into personality traits by following our daily horoscopes. Ha ha ha
Besides the tracking of the sun through the different positions in the cosmos at it relates to Earth's location, there are many more constellations in our sky than the 12 that make up the "houses of the sun." In fact, every tribe and culture around the globe have studied, named and kept track of the constellations in the heavens. Why?
Insight into the truth of the constellations and their positions from our perspective has been given to me. If you look at the cosmic globe, the top section or circumpolar stars and constellations contain the big bear, the mighty dragon and the "royal family." The middle section comprises the characters of horses, dogs, monsters, river-ways and arrows, seeming to 'point the way." The lower section, which we cannot view entirely from the United States, has images of flying critters, birds, bees and insects, not to mention sacred geometric shapes and tools.
Think of the constellations as a story. The greatest story ever written is the Story of God, right? Well, think of our heavens as a continuous moving picture. At the north circumpolar top, we have the Royal Family with the sacred daughter falling into despair. She is rescued by the brave prince. Ring any bells? Along the "river journey" or soul journey. there is adventure in fighting the sea monster, danger being shielded from the charging bull and protection and healing by the bunny rabbit, doves and other woodland animals. Are you connecting the dots, yet? At the end or bottom, the portal to resurrection or new life comes by following the flying characters of the circumpolar south pole. From the root beginning to the golden crown on top of the center pole or Tree of Life, God is everywhere. Do you get it now?
Clearly depicted every night and through every season, we have the opportunity to view the ancient Egyption story of ongoing Creation. The Story of God! The constellations reveal the epic journey of every souls final pilgrimage to reuniting with God and becoming a new god, a new creation, a whole new universe of life.
The Jewish Torah, the Islam Qur'an or Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Christian Bible, the Buddhist Sutras or Pali Canon and various other cultural songs and oral sacred stories are based on the aged knowledge of The Divine. Story after story, song after song, poem, musical score, children's fairytales and our stars......all reveal the continuous revelation of God.
So, on that note: "We are storytellers by the act of creation and the story is of the Eternal God."
Friday, May 6, 2016
How often do you sit and energize your dreams? How many dreams do you have? How many have come true? Do you ask other people about their dreams? Some say "life is but a dream." Is your life flowing gently like your dreams?
I am sitting here in a place of my dreams. It is lush green with mountains all around. Their are large cottonwood, evergreen and aspen trees growing. A natural spring feeds the lake nearby and the deer and antelope along with the elk, bear, lion and wolf really do play in the mountains and meadows. One day, I will experience this dream as a reality. For now, I need to take notice of my dreams that have come true: two beautiful sons, a warm home, money to purchase what I need, three published books, the ability to travel extensively and most importantly......a rare and intimate connection with God.
Being grateful for the good things in our life today is a vital opening for allowing Divine to pour more blessings upon you that will give you an abundance of things to be grateful for tomorrow.
So, on that note: "A grateful heart opens more doors than a demanding one."
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
God is Blue
Ah...... Bright, Eye-Catching, Beautiful and Blue?
Do you remember as a kid when your teachers or parents gave you a box of crayons and color book? They invited you to color the animals or pictures whatever color you wished. In those precious moments, you were a God. You made purple dinosaurs, yellow and blue kittens, green dogs and orange people. Your imagination was pure and uncluttered. You are still God. You are still choosing to create. The only difference is that your imagination has been cluttered or conditioned to believe that you are less. You cannot have yellow and blue kittens or orange people. You have to accept 'status quo.' Work, slave, struggle.....and dull.
It doesn't have to be that way. Make a choice to change.
So, on that note: "Awaken your power. Be a God."
Fly Away
Geese. Have you ever studied a goose? It is a very special bird. It can walk upon the land, swim through the water and fly in the air. As a bird of the land, the goose is able to walk, and nest in the bushes, feed along the shores and nap in the grasses. As a bird of the water, it has perfect bouncy and webbed feet to swim over the surface, dive below for food and the goose has oily plumage to keep it dry. As a bird of the air, the body of a goose is aerodynamic for flight, hosting large wings for lift and travel. Physically, the goose has been built to transcend the primary earth elements with the greatest of ease.
If one believes that human is the epitome of Creation, why can't we fly through the air? Why do so many of us fear water? Why are our land travels by foot minimal? Hmmmm
The ancient people of Earth knew a secret that we are beginning to remember........We are able to fly through the air, swim to the depths of the oceans and walk upon the land. How can we do this amazing feat? Through the activation of our Chakra Energy System. When we balance and activate the seven Chakra lights contained within the human anatomy, we begin to change at the cellular level and awaken the Kundalini: a Hindu word for Divine Serpentine energy.
This energy enhancement alters our consciousness and enables human to become Homo Luminous - Human Light Beings. We become One with Divine and arose the superpowers of Human. We are able to fly through the air, swim through the eathly and cosmic waters and rest on the land. Read. The answers will come.
So, on that note:
"The soul will teach you how to dance through the higher realms of consciousness but you must first quiet the mind for flight."
Monday, April 25, 2016
Clothes, phones, diets, catchy phrases, commercials, songs, dishes, books and vehicle styles are all momentary trends. Some trends impact your social image. Some trends are a matter of who is selling this or that product, while other trends like a good book may change your ideas about life .......Many of these trends change over time and from generation to generation. However, some trends linger long into the future. I wonder what makes some last and others fade away?
I was camping last summer and came across this rock in the sand. Someone had written this message on the rock. Although I do not know who wrote it or their intention for it, the rock was placed by the camp Fire! How apropos. After that, each time I visited a new campsite, I would write a word or message on a rock and leave it there for others to find. Some things I wrote were funny, others a phrase to inspire and one time, I left a simple Smiley Face. I don't know if anyone else has found "my rocks" and left some of their own but I hope to return to these campsites and who knows, maybe "anonymous" started a new trend........
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Where they come from and where they go are less important than the impact they have on you."
Friday, April 22, 2016
Bird Brain
I had the liberty the other day to sit in my living room chair and quietly gaze into my backyard. From out of nowhere this robin flew to the ground and began the feeding ritual of hopping around, pausing and then plucking a worm right out of the ground. I watched mesmerized by the skill at which this bird was able to find, repeatedly and eat earthworms.
An avid summer fisher-person, I know from experience how challenging it can be to find earthworms when I go digging with a shovel. How can this bird find them so easily? Time and time again, she hopped around, paused and then STRIKE, a worm! And, to top it off, she didn't pull them from the earth in pieces, she had the "whole enchilada," every time. What skill.
Silly as it may sound, take a moment this spring and watch a robin. It is a very fascinating dance. How did the Sacred Divine create such a simple marvel in a little robin?
On that note: "Maybe we should be careful who we call a bird-brain."
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Back to Blogging
This crystal cluster is said to be millions of years old. This crystal grew in the dark caverns of Brazil in South America. When extracted from the Earth, the light and beauty that radiated from it are nothing short of breath-taking.
Well, I've been away for a bit, feeling something like being underground and now I am back!! I hope not quite as lumpy but I do have some light to share. So, let's get started my dear friends.......
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