Monday, May 30, 2016

Evolutionary Life

Two Million years ago humans we were in an early stage of evolution called Homo habilis.  Then, came Homo Erectus, Homo Sapien and the future evolutionary step is named Homo Luminous. What is Human Evolution all about?

Suns, Stars, Planets, Moons, Galaxies, Universes, Planes and Dimensions. The cosmos is full of light and life continuously renewing itself, endlessly. How?

Spiritualism, One World, Higher Consciousness, Interconnectedness, Chakras, Kundalini, Sacred Spiral and The Tree of Life. What are all of these terms attempting to convey?

Gods, Ascended Masters, Star People (Aliens) Saints, Angels and Prophets.  Why are these descriptions of human-like entities possessing not only a greater intelligence but seemingly able to utilize greater powers than modern human?

There seems to be a Divine Plan, a Bigger Picture even a Process established for all life to grow and evolve.  Humanity is a large part of this picture.  As I have stated previously, we are each a spiritual Being having a human experience.  Our Soul is temporarily housed in a human body in order to experience a vast array of events and to learn and grow from each occurrence.  This body of experiences reconnects our Spirit to the Sacred Divine and we grow towards unity with God.

When your Soul has experienced all that it needs to know, the final incarnation as human is the most challenging.  The purpose of your final incarnation is to complete your Soul's evolution and reunite with the Sacred Divine; becoming your true Divine Self.

There is a process and technique to this epitome of life.  It is called Kundalini Awakening!  The next phase of human evolution is to become Homo Luminous, which means Human Light.  The Divine Light of God on Earth.  This practice of human transformation and transfiguration has been available to us for thousands of years.  It is the absolute Alchemy of the soul.  Through years of dedicated effort in opening to the goodness of Divine and discarding the negative energies; a person is able to evolve in one lifetime to the embodiment of the Sacred.

So, on that note: "The Spirit of God is in every face we see."

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