Friday, May 6, 2016


How often do you sit and energize your dreams?  How many dreams do you have?  How many have come true?  Do you ask other people about their dreams?  Some say "life is but a dream."  Is your life flowing gently like your dreams?

I am sitting here in a place of my dreams.  It is lush green with mountains all around.  Their are large cottonwood, evergreen and aspen trees growing.  A natural spring feeds the lake nearby and the deer and antelope along with the elk, bear, lion and wolf really do play in the mountains and meadows. One day, I will experience this dream as a reality.  For now, I need to take notice of my dreams that have come true: two beautiful sons, a warm home, money to purchase what I need, three published books, the ability to travel extensively and most importantly......a rare and intimate connection with God.

Being grateful for the good things in our life today is a vital opening for allowing Divine to pour more blessings upon you that will give you an abundance of things to be grateful for tomorrow.

So, on that note: "A grateful heart opens more doors than a demanding one."


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