Saturday, May 7, 2016


This is a photograph taken from Stuart Clark's book, "Galaxy, Exploring the Milky Way."  
This is a photograph of the Flaming Star Nebula  (IC405)  in the Auriga Constellation.

The artist-enhanced, color image in Auriga constellation gives us quite a spectacular view of this new star forming within the gaseous vapor of creation.  Auriga, Cepheus, Orion, Sirius, Lyra, Scorpius........Why are there shapes or images made out of our stars in the night sky?  What is the importance of constellations?  I don't think the constellations of the zodiac were created simply for us to have insight into personality traits by following our daily horoscopes.  Ha ha  ha  

Besides the tracking of the sun through the different positions in the cosmos at it relates to Earth's location, there are many more constellations in our sky than the 12 that make up the "houses of the sun." In fact, every tribe and culture around the globe have studied, named and kept track of the constellations in the heavens.  Why?

Insight into the truth of the constellations and their positions from our perspective has been given to me.  If you look at the cosmic globe, the top section or circumpolar stars and constellations contain the big bear, the mighty dragon and the "royal family."  The middle section comprises the characters of horses, dogs, monsters, river-ways and arrows, seeming to 'point the way."  The lower section, which we cannot view entirely from the United States, has images of flying critters, birds, bees and insects, not to mention sacred geometric shapes and tools.  

Think of the constellations as a story.  The greatest story ever written is the Story of God, right? Well, think of our heavens as a continuous moving picture.  At the north circumpolar top, we have the Royal Family with the sacred daughter falling into despair.  She is rescued by the brave prince. Ring any bells?  Along the "river journey" or soul journey. there is adventure in fighting the sea monster, danger being shielded from the charging bull and protection and healing by the bunny rabbit, doves and other woodland animals.  Are you connecting the dots, yet?  At the end or bottom, the portal to resurrection or new life comes by following the flying characters of the circumpolar south pole. From the root beginning to the golden crown on top of the center pole or Tree of Life, God is everywhere.  Do you get it now?  

Clearly depicted every night and through every season, we have the opportunity to view the ancient Egyption story of ongoing Creation. The Story of God!  The constellations reveal the epic journey of every souls final pilgrimage to reuniting with God and becoming a new god, a new creation, a whole new universe of life.     

The Jewish Torah, the Islam Qur'an or Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Christian Bible, the Buddhist Sutras or Pali Canon and various other cultural songs and oral sacred stories are based on the aged knowledge of The Divine.  Story after story, song after song, poem, musical score, children's fairytales and our stars......all reveal the continuous revelation of God.

So, on that note:  "We are storytellers by the act of creation and the story is of the Eternal God." 

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