Wednesday, May 4, 2016

God is Blue

Ah...... Bright, Eye-Catching, Beautiful and Blue?  
Do you remember as a kid when your teachers or parents gave you a box of crayons and color book? They invited you to color the animals or pictures whatever color you wished.  In those precious moments, you were a God.  You made purple dinosaurs, yellow and blue kittens, green dogs and orange people. Your imagination was pure and uncluttered.

You are still God.  You are still choosing to create.  The only difference is that your imagination has been cluttered or conditioned to believe that you are less.  You cannot have yellow and blue kittens or orange people.  You have to accept 'status quo.'  Work, slave, struggle.....and dull.

It doesn't have to be that way.  Make a choice to change.

So, on that note:  "Awaken your power.  Be a God." 

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