Monday, April 25, 2016


Clothes, phones, diets, catchy phrases, commercials, songs, dishes, books and vehicle styles are all momentary trends.  Some trends impact your social image.  Some trends are a matter of who is selling this or that product, while other trends like a good book may change your ideas about life .......Many of these trends change over time and from generation to generation.  However, some trends linger long into the future.  I wonder what makes some last and others fade away?

I was camping last summer and came across this rock in the sand.  Someone had written this message on the rock.  Although I do not know who wrote it or their intention for it, the rock was placed by the camp Fire!  How apropos.  After that, each time I visited a new campsite, I would write a word or message on a rock and leave it there for others to find.  Some things I wrote were funny, others a phrase to inspire and one time, I left a simple Smiley Face.  I don't know if anyone else has found "my rocks" and left some of their own but  I hope to return to these campsites and who knows, maybe "anonymous" started a new trend........

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Where they come from and where they go are less important than the impact they have on you."  

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