Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Left in Your Wake

Oftentimes, people are so involved with the linear direction of pushing forward in life that they forget to look behind themselves. Today, I would like to remind everyone of the circular movement of life. It is very important to periodically, look behind you because what you leave in your wake is sure to circle around and become your future.

If you notice similar patterns evolving in your life that are not fruitful, it is time to learn from those patterns. If you keep making the same mistakes that cause you grief and can’t figure out why nothing is getting better, it is time to review why you keep making those mistakes. If your relationships continue to fail and the people in those relationships continue to mention the same or similar problems, you need to be honest with yourself and see if they are correct.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Holding onto negative patterns and holding out for a positive change is like waiting for a rainstorm in the desert. It may sprinkle from time to time but you will never receive enough to quench your thirst.” tc

Thursday, March 18, 2010


There are times in our lives when we all need some peace and quiet.  We do not gain that from driving aroud in a car with the music on.  We not gain it at home with a cell phone attached to our hip.  We not gain it taking a walk through a crowded park.
Regardless of how brief or extensive the seclusion may encompass, those moments of uninterrupted quiet time are necessary for the health of our body, mind and spirit.
I encourage everyone to take a few minutes each day for themselves.  Unplug the phone, turn off the TV and decompress from the hustle and bustle of modern life. The awareness that comes from those moments of bliss are intoxicating.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the cool, refreshing touch of an alpine lake kissing your fingertips, solitude can stimulate your senses into renewed revelations for the future." tc

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A question of ethics

I was born with a curious mind.  From the time I could talk, I was always asking a lot of questions. In my given profession, asking questions is a great way to open the door to growth without offending anyone. 

Think about it.  There is no ego or judgment in asking a question.  The answer, on the other hand, may cause discomfort but only if the question hits a nerve that requires exploration.  Questions are a useful way to stimulate healing and growth without passing judgment or imposing your will upon others.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Do you look through the softened lenses of love or the cold, hard lenses of judgment?"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

That dreaded P-word, Patience.

Have you ever wanted something 'right now' and the waiting seemed forever?  However, when you finally received the object of desire, the situation for you to enjoy it was better timed?
 I have found that by letting things happen more and trying to control them less produces a more fruitful outcome in all situations. Whether the thing that I want is an object, a goal, a relationship, a job, a vacation or an answer to a question that I have been pondering, Patience is the best action.

On that note, the quote of today is:

"The gift of Wisdom will only be revealed when you are ready to receive it."