Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jump for Joy

No, the screen is not sideways, your vision is fine and yes, I took the photo like this on purpose!

We all need to remember that life is supposed to be fun! We were created to celebrate our life, not work ourselves to death. We need to remember (like my two sons), to leap over the edge, jump in the sand and roll down the hill with fervor. We need more play time.

However you are able to express your joy for life, Do it! Paint a picture, attend a dance, gather with friends for a picnic, play ball outside, sing in your church choir, go to a library reading, volunteer at a local charity, ride your bike, serve the needy and do it all with great joy in your heart!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“As the blood of life pulsates through your body, let it enliven you to take action through celebration.” tc

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