Thank you everyone for taking a moment in your busy days to read the my blog. I have enjoyed this creative and expressive avenue for sharing a message of love.
I am writing a book that incorporates the Tree of Life Theory, this Blog and my continued growth towards the Light of the Divine.
Please use the archive to the right in order to access blogs from the beginning of the year. I have tried to introduce topics and ideas that you may research further, as desired.
Love & Light to You!
Teresa Carlson aka/ Sageheart
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A New Shore
Love has brought me to a new shore. And, when things change in your life, you must be flexible and willing to reflect those changes. “For there is no greater gift than that of love.” I have been awakened to Love. With that being said, I need to make some changes.
I have blogged about many topics that relate to living a balanced life. The Tree of Life Theory, which this blog is based upon, is about growth, flexibility, balance, love, fruitful relationships, higher consciousness and Life, itself. It is about being aware, making healthy choices, thinking positively, helping each other and most importantly connecting to the Creator for LIFE.
This will be my final blog. I made a commitment to myself to do this for one year. However, that commitment is actually holding me back from living free. This is the opposite of what I believe. Recognizing the need to make the change and taking the steps to implement that change is what I remind all of you to do. Today, my lesson is to take my own advice.
I wish you all Love and Light in your Life.
Allow the light of the Divine Mother to enter your hearts and unite with her in perfect harmony.
Live Free.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“My boat has landed on a new shore and it is time to dance.” tc
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Blue is the color of the sky, the veil of the Divine and the reflected waters of life.
It is the shimmer of light in a crystal, the spark in a lamp and the glow in your soul.
Don’t let someone take your blue light away. The sadness associated with blue is not in the color but the lack of it in our lives.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Drench yourself in hues of blue and become one with the Light.” tc
It is the shimmer of light in a crystal, the spark in a lamp and the glow in your soul.
Don’t let someone take your blue light away. The sadness associated with blue is not in the color but the lack of it in our lives.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Drench yourself in hues of blue and become one with the Light.” tc
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Fall
One of the most difficult things to do is look inside oneself for the truth. Although this is a difficult task to do, it is vital for inner balance. Regardless of what we would like to think, most of us have some area of inner harmony that needs work.
We deny or conceal many things in which we are afraid to face about ourself. This happens for many reasons. One is cultural reinforcement. It is challenging to see our mistakes, if everywhere we look, people are doing the same thing.
When we slow down, focus and really look at how we act, what we find is that frequently, we are living up to someone else's expectations or ideals for HOW we should live.
Be brave and look inside. What do you want? Are you who you want to be? If not, take a plunge in a cleansing pool and wash away what you don't like. The results may shock you!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Refresh today in the cleansing waters of Mother Earth." tc
We deny or conceal many things in which we are afraid to face about ourself. This happens for many reasons. One is cultural reinforcement. It is challenging to see our mistakes, if everywhere we look, people are doing the same thing.
When we slow down, focus and really look at how we act, what we find is that frequently, we are living up to someone else's expectations or ideals for HOW we should live.
Be brave and look inside. What do you want? Are you who you want to be? If not, take a plunge in a cleansing pool and wash away what you don't like. The results may shock you!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Refresh today in the cleansing waters of Mother Earth." tc
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Lake of Fire
The Divine created everything perfect and balanced. In the beginning, there was not decay or death. A mother does not create a child to watch it die. She creates life in order to nurture that life as it grows into maturity. This process is one of love.
When we “fall from grace,” we are actually moving away from the love of the life-giver, our mother. This move away from the light of love throws us into the chaos of the flames of life, unprotected and unprepared for the events to come.
When we choose to separate, balance is broken. We begin to decay, to age and to die. This was not what the Divine, the Goddess of Creation meant to have happen. The division of all things co-creates death. Only through unity in love will the chaos stop and balance be resurrected.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Please help those trying to walk around the lake of fire in their life. This may be your only chance to save another!” tc
When we “fall from grace,” we are actually moving away from the love of the life-giver, our mother. This move away from the light of love throws us into the chaos of the flames of life, unprotected and unprepared for the events to come.
When we choose to separate, balance is broken. We begin to decay, to age and to die. This was not what the Divine, the Goddess of Creation meant to have happen. The division of all things co-creates death. Only through unity in love will the chaos stop and balance be resurrected.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Please help those trying to walk around the lake of fire in their life. This may be your only chance to save another!” tc
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Jump for Joy
No, the screen is not sideways, your vision is fine and yes, I took the photo like this on purpose!
We all need to remember that life is supposed to be fun! We were created to celebrate our life, not work ourselves to death. We need to remember (like my two sons), to leap over the edge, jump in the sand and roll down the hill with fervor. We need more play time.
However you are able to express your joy for life, Do it! Paint a picture, attend a dance, gather with friends for a picnic, play ball outside, sing in your church choir, go to a library reading, volunteer at a local charity, ride your bike, serve the needy and do it all with great joy in your heart!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“As the blood of life pulsates through your body, let it enliven you to take action through celebration.” tc
We all need to remember that life is supposed to be fun! We were created to celebrate our life, not work ourselves to death. We need to remember (like my two sons), to leap over the edge, jump in the sand and roll down the hill with fervor. We need more play time.
However you are able to express your joy for life, Do it! Paint a picture, attend a dance, gather with friends for a picnic, play ball outside, sing in your church choir, go to a library reading, volunteer at a local charity, ride your bike, serve the needy and do it all with great joy in your heart!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“As the blood of life pulsates through your body, let it enliven you to take action through celebration.” tc
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Little Angels
Steve, a friend of mine, gave me a list of- Angels Explained by Children. I hope these put a smile on your face. They sure did mine. Thank you, Steve!
1) I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold. –Gregory, 5 yrs.
2) Everybody’s got it all wrong. Angels don’t wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it. –Olive, 9 yrs.
3) It’s not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven and then there’s till the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to war those angel clothes. –Matthew, 9
4) My guardian angel helps me with math but he’s not much good for science. –Henry, 8
5) What I don’t get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. –Sarah
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The purist form of laughter gives wings to our smile.” tc
1) I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold. –Gregory, 5 yrs.
2) Everybody’s got it all wrong. Angels don’t wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it. –Olive, 9 yrs.
3) It’s not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven and then there’s till the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to war those angel clothes. –Matthew, 9
4) My guardian angel helps me with math but he’s not much good for science. –Henry, 8
5) What I don’t get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. –Sarah
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The purist form of laughter gives wings to our smile.” tc
Monday, November 8, 2010
Holy Communication
There is a simple prayer in the Christian Bible located in I Chronicles 4: 10. It is called “The Prayer of Jabez.” Although I believe that any type of communication with the Divine is wonderful, this little prayer has proven to add a special positive punch to those people’s lives that I have shared it with.
The Prayer of Jabez
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
Oh that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand always be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain.”
So God granted him what he requested. I Chronicles 4: 10
I share this with you for only one reason. Prayer is our bridge to the Most Glorious Creator. If you have no idea where to begin praying, this little prayer may help show you the light. If you have prayers that you prefer, may this blog remind you not to forget Goddess/God in your life.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Daily prayer shows our Creator that we want to participate in the Holy Covenant of Life.” tc
The Prayer of Jabez
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
Oh that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand always be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain.”
So God granted him what he requested. I Chronicles 4: 10
I share this with you for only one reason. Prayer is our bridge to the Most Glorious Creator. If you have no idea where to begin praying, this little prayer may help show you the light. If you have prayers that you prefer, may this blog remind you not to forget Goddess/God in your life.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Daily prayer shows our Creator that we want to participate in the Holy Covenant of Life.” tc
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Steam Roller
Sometimes, I feel as though I am on a long train ride, being driven to some distant destination without being in control of how fast I go or when I will arrive. Do you ever feel that way? It can seem quite scary.
However, I have learned that I hold the key to my future. The unknown future before me becomes a reflection of what I perceive it to be. If I hold onto the fear – my future steps are hesitate, untrusting and heavy. By letting go and allowing faith to guide my actions, faith in an All-powerful, Loving Goddess/God, - my future steps are secure, confident and light.
Additionally, the resultant future shows me exactly what I have done. If the outcome is desirous and healthy….I followed my faith for what the Divine had in store. If the fruits of my effort were from fear….the chaos, jumble and headaches of my actions are now another reality to deal with.
Lesson learned.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Be sure the engineer of your train is of the Most High and not your ego.” tc
However, I have learned that I hold the key to my future. The unknown future before me becomes a reflection of what I perceive it to be. If I hold onto the fear – my future steps are hesitate, untrusting and heavy. By letting go and allowing faith to guide my actions, faith in an All-powerful, Loving Goddess/God, - my future steps are secure, confident and light.
Additionally, the resultant future shows me exactly what I have done. If the outcome is desirous and healthy….I followed my faith for what the Divine had in store. If the fruits of my effort were from fear….the chaos, jumble and headaches of my actions are now another reality to deal with.
Lesson learned.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Be sure the engineer of your train is of the Most High and not your ego.” tc
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Logos and Eros
Do you remember when the book, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” by John Gray was released? People flocked to the bookstores to ravish the pages in an attempt to bridge some semblance of understanding about the opposite sex.
It seems as though our modern mystification leading to confusion about the opposite sex has been mirrored throughout the ages. Plato tried to polish the meaning of Eros in his work ‘Symposium.’ Plato said that ‘Eros seeks wisdom and leads the soul to happiness.’
Sigmund Freud related the word to libido, sexual energy. He said that “love is the life instinct innate to all humans. It is the desire to create life.”
In Margaret Starbird’s book, “The Woman with the Alabaster Jar,” she associates the word Eros as the balanced counterpart to Logos. “The Eros is symbolic of the feminine, love, free-thinking, creativeness, relatedness,” not to mention nurturing, passionate and sensual. “The Logos is symbolic of masculine, reason, law, order, discipline and self-restraint,” not to mention knowledge, divine and the word.
When we use common sense and look at our world around us, we see balance in every aspect of creation. The Creator did not randomly shape the universe on a whim. I believe that creation was formed out of the chaos of the void/darkness. In so doing, law organized the order of manifestion - sacred geometry was the building blocks of dividing the darkness into light. The Logos or law was invented.
Furthermore, logos or law without taking into consideration the balanced concept of eros, communal happiness is too rigid to last. Just as order (masculine logos) is important, without the balanced aspect of relatedness (feminine aspect), it becomes authoritative, not balanced.
The Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Christian New Testament, the writers refers to Jesus as the bridegroom countless times. Is any reasonable (mascuine), free-thinking (feminine) person really supposed to buy into the doctrine of a church, a building being the bride of Jesus? Please pause and think!
Christianity, for whatever reason, omitted the bride (equal and balanced partner of Jesus) from its teachings. This omission, coupled with translation of the Bible only being allowed by the church in medieval times and forward, has led to the distorted and damaged view of the feminine, prevalent in almost every culture today.
The only way to heal the damage done is to balance it. One basic premise that I hold in psychological circles is that ‘anything innate in the human psyche that is denied, becomes unhealthy.’ The restoration of the feminine as an equal, to the masculine is the Light of the coming Age.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Embrace the bridegroom and the bride as the original, balanced love created by the Divine.” tc
It seems as though our modern mystification leading to confusion about the opposite sex has been mirrored throughout the ages. Plato tried to polish the meaning of Eros in his work ‘Symposium.’ Plato said that ‘Eros seeks wisdom and leads the soul to happiness.’
Sigmund Freud related the word to libido, sexual energy. He said that “love is the life instinct innate to all humans. It is the desire to create life.”
In Margaret Starbird’s book, “The Woman with the Alabaster Jar,” she associates the word Eros as the balanced counterpart to Logos. “The Eros is symbolic of the feminine, love, free-thinking, creativeness, relatedness,” not to mention nurturing, passionate and sensual. “The Logos is symbolic of masculine, reason, law, order, discipline and self-restraint,” not to mention knowledge, divine and the word.
When we use common sense and look at our world around us, we see balance in every aspect of creation. The Creator did not randomly shape the universe on a whim. I believe that creation was formed out of the chaos of the void/darkness. In so doing, law organized the order of manifestion - sacred geometry was the building blocks of dividing the darkness into light. The Logos or law was invented.
Furthermore, logos or law without taking into consideration the balanced concept of eros, communal happiness is too rigid to last. Just as order (masculine logos) is important, without the balanced aspect of relatedness (feminine aspect), it becomes authoritative, not balanced.
The Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Christian New Testament, the writers refers to Jesus as the bridegroom countless times. Is any reasonable (mascuine), free-thinking (feminine) person really supposed to buy into the doctrine of a church, a building being the bride of Jesus? Please pause and think!
Christianity, for whatever reason, omitted the bride (equal and balanced partner of Jesus) from its teachings. This omission, coupled with translation of the Bible only being allowed by the church in medieval times and forward, has led to the distorted and damaged view of the feminine, prevalent in almost every culture today.
The only way to heal the damage done is to balance it. One basic premise that I hold in psychological circles is that ‘anything innate in the human psyche that is denied, becomes unhealthy.’ The restoration of the feminine as an equal, to the masculine is the Light of the coming Age.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Embrace the bridegroom and the bride as the original, balanced love created by the Divine.” tc
Friday, November 5, 2010
Peaceful Retreat
Did you take time out this week to rest? I am talking about the kind of relaxation where you are not interrupted by phones, kids, tv, neighbors and family. If not, why not?
The way many of us run around trying to live our lives, we are in desperate need for rest. Many of the underlying factors to stress, indigestion, heart problems and even emotional dis-ease is rooted in the fact that we are not sleeping at night or stopping during the day to rest. Studies have shown that people who take an afternoon nap……live longer and healthier lives!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Like the autumn leaves being cradled along their decent to the earthen floor, curl up in a comfy spot and slowly allow your worries to drift away.” tc
The way many of us run around trying to live our lives, we are in desperate need for rest. Many of the underlying factors to stress, indigestion, heart problems and even emotional dis-ease is rooted in the fact that we are not sleeping at night or stopping during the day to rest. Studies have shown that people who take an afternoon nap……live longer and healthier lives!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Like the autumn leaves being cradled along their decent to the earthen floor, curl up in a comfy spot and slowly allow your worries to drift away.” tc
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Royal Glory
The color red is very symbolic. From ancient times to present day, the color red is one of intense emotion. A few common associations with the color red is: passion, love, courage, loyalty, fire, sacrifice, beauty, honor, danger and happiness.
Red is the tradition color of the bridal dress in India. In Japan, red is symbolic of a heroic figure. In Central Africa, some warriors rub themselves in red as a symbol of life and health. In America, a red car has a higher percentage of getting in an accident, than any other color of vehicle. As you can see the range of symbolic meaning, suggested by the color red spans cultural association and era limitations.
I believe this is a Red Salvia. I am sure you have seen this flowering plant, also known as Scarlet Sage in yards and gardens throughout many areas of North America. It is a pretty annual that brightens any patio, garden or backyard enclosure.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Whatever you enjoy doing, do it with gusto!” tc
Red is the tradition color of the bridal dress in India. In Japan, red is symbolic of a heroic figure. In Central Africa, some warriors rub themselves in red as a symbol of life and health. In America, a red car has a higher percentage of getting in an accident, than any other color of vehicle. As you can see the range of symbolic meaning, suggested by the color red spans cultural association and era limitations.
I believe this is a Red Salvia. I am sure you have seen this flowering plant, also known as Scarlet Sage in yards and gardens throughout many areas of North America. It is a pretty annual that brightens any patio, garden or backyard enclosure.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Whatever you enjoy doing, do it with gusto!” tc
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Golden Aura
An alchemist is a medieval chemical scientist and philosopher. The best-known goals of the alchemists were the transmutation of common metals into gold or silver; the creation of a "panacea", or the elixir of life, a remedy that, it was supposed, would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely; and the discovery of a universal solvent. This practice was as much philosophical and spiritual, as it was a scientific discipline.
Some Hermetic schools argue that the transformation of lead into gold is equivalent to the transmutation of the physical body into gold, with the goal of attaining immortality. This is described as Internal Alchemy.
Cultures from around the globe have sought this practice for over 2,500 years. Today it is incorporated into religious, metaphysical and cultural interpretation.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The only gold that does not fluctuate in value with the markets is the golden illumination of spiritual unity with the Goddess.” tc
Some Hermetic schools argue that the transformation of lead into gold is equivalent to the transmutation of the physical body into gold, with the goal of attaining immortality. This is described as Internal Alchemy.
Cultures from around the globe have sought this practice for over 2,500 years. Today it is incorporated into religious, metaphysical and cultural interpretation.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The only gold that does not fluctuate in value with the markets is the golden illumination of spiritual unity with the Goddess.” tc
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Games People Play
So often we become consumed with the trivial aspects of our life that we forget that there ARE other people out there holding a greater need than we have. It is hard to understand sometimes, but true. Moments when I have been really tired, I am presented with another person in need or situation that my assistance in helping them supersedes my current fatigue.
Again, an example arises when I am so hungry that food is my focused thought. However, a calling to help another reminds me that I am not starving and my bodily desire can be prolonged a little longer.
These are tough lessons when my culture has reinforced just how special “I am” as an individual, above all others.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Look to help those in need and you will never do without.” tc
Again, an example arises when I am so hungry that food is my focused thought. However, a calling to help another reminds me that I am not starving and my bodily desire can be prolonged a little longer.
These are tough lessons when my culture has reinforced just how special “I am” as an individual, above all others.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Look to help those in need and you will never do without.” tc
Monday, November 1, 2010
The dew drops remaining after a light rain,
Brings a sparkle of new life to the autumn foliage.
The shiny layer of moisture
Covering the ground, bathes the earthen floor
With a gleam of drizzly delight.
The dampened blend of oil and water
Upon the richness of fine skin
Sends a blinding glow of purity, to the beholders eye.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The Divine sees us shiny and new, everyday." tc
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