Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bench talk

Sunday is known as the traditional day of rest, relaxation and for many, spiritual

 refreshment. Several people will be heading out the door this morning to attend temple, synagogue, church or a variety of other family and group activities.
I will be taking a walk in the woods with loved loves and enjoying a rare, warm January day in the Rockies, outdoors. Since this day wraps up the weekend and launches us into the next week, I hope your rejuvenated sense of being carries over into each of the following days.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"What you say communicates either the vibrant state of your being or the shadow of your pain.  Which story do you wish to share?"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Uncanny ability

Admittedly, I have an uncanny ability :) that allows me to see all the good and bad aspects of people around me.  It is such a rare gift that for a time, I thought it was important to use this gift and point out the flaws of others!
Then, in my alienated state of being, I started looking for the similarities that I share with each person I encounter, rather than the differences.  How fascinating to learn that deep down, we are all basically the same.  We all want to feel love, laugh with others and have a meaningful life experience.  This newfound gift of acceptance has brought me closer to people, animals and God.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"The only difference between an arctic blast and the breath of heaven is the amount of Light shining around you." 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Enjoy the moment.

With the first work week of my blog ending and the weekend just a few hours away, I wanted to add a lighter quote to the mix. 
We have so many responsibilities each day that oftentimes it seems as though we are going 'through the motions' without really experiencing each moment of our lives. While I do not support breaking any rules, I completely encourage everyone to live their life fully in their own special way. This means that you need to feel empowered to create the moments that become the memories of your life!

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"There is a little Meee-ow in each of us!"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

That dreaded P-word, Patience.

Have you ever wanted something 'right now' and the waiting seemed forever?  However, when you finally received the object of desire, the situation for you to enjoy it was better timed?
 I have found that by letting things happen more and trying to control them less produces a more fruitful outcome in all situations. Whether the thing that I want is an object, a goal, a relationship, a job, a vacation or an answer to a question that I have been pondering, Patience is the best action.

On that note, the quote of today is:

"The gift of Wisdom will only be revealed when you are ready to receive it."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where to focus my energy?

With my 2nd degree complete and many 'irons in the fire' (ie. books, business, goals and family), I find myself being indecisive about where to focus my extra time and energy.

Interesting enough, I realized that I do not need to choose just one avenue of focus.  If it is within me to create so many diverse situations then, I will divide up my energy to accommodate each one!

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Sometimes, all you need is the right frame of mind in order to see the infinite opportunities before you."   

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Embarking upon a new decade in my life.....

As I approach the big      4-0, I find myself contemplating the future.  I am excited about the adventures that I will experience in the next 10 years of my life.  I know that what I create will be the fruits of my journey.

So, on that note, here is the first quote of my blog:

"The wonder of discovery should not be lost in childhood."