Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fuel for the Fire

Most of us have experienced some form of regret. However, one of the most damaging forms is that of anger. Have you ever said something that later you wished you hadn't?  What about those bursts of slamming doors or throwing something across the room?  When people get mad, they lose some control over themselves. They may display a violent temper, speak harsh words or physically lash out against another. These actions create long-term trauma, not only for the recipiant of the anger but also upon the angry individual.
When a person gets angry, they are actually acting out their FEAR.  Regardless of what is projected towards you, if you stay in control of yourself, more often than not, the angry person will begin to calm down. Of course, you should always exit the scene, if you feel your life is in danger. Nevertheless, by acting to defuse the situation, instead of engaging in it, you will avoid many unnecessary fights before they have enough fuel to burn out of control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the fiery red of an evening sunset, anger can seethe from you fierce and hot burning those around you or be cooled and soothed away by the crisp night sky." tc

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Nasty F-Word

We hear that word and instantly, our head goes down, our gaze shifts to the floor and some people even shudder.  It is so repulsive in our society that disgrace is felt by all who experience it.  No, it's not that word.  I am talking about Failure. Failure is a powerful motivator. So powerful, in fact, that shame is cast upon those who try and fail.  Oftentimes, the thought of that shame inhibits people from trying in the first place.   
Do you know how many times the Wright Brothers failed at flight before they mastered it?  What about the number of times that Bill Gates failed at creating Microsoft in his garage before he was successful? Have you stopped and given thought to the number of failed attempts that a competitor endures before they win the gold?
For all those people who have failed and tried again, "I commend you!"  For the true success of your accomplishment comes in the fact that you never gave up, not in the glory of the outcome.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Only through the strength of a divine heart will you command such power." tc