Showing posts with label 12 actions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12 actions. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lighting the Way

We use words for everything. They describe, state, answer, create and communicate just about everything we need to express. However, there are times in life where words are inadequate for the moment. When those moments appear, what is more important, is our actions.

There are 12 actions that we need to balance for healthy living. They are:

• 1. Keeping Quiet vs. Talking
• 2. Receptivity vs. Resistance to Influence
• 3. Obeying vs. Ruling
• 4. Humility vs. Self-Confidence
• 5. Speed of Thought vs. Circumspection
• 6. Accept Everything vs. Differentiating
• 7. Fight vs. Remaining Peaceful
• 8. Exercising Caution vs. Manifesting Courage
• 9. To Possess Nothing vs. To Command Everything
• 10. To Have No Ties vs. Loyalty
• 11. Contempt for Death vs. Regard for Life
• 12. Indifference vs. Love
                                             (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

Observing these actions and their polar opposite will lead to a person “using them at the right time in the right place.” This is wisdom in action. Therein, resides love, mutual respect, flexibility and balanced living.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The crowning glory of life is your wisdom in action.” tc