Saturday, September 11, 2010

Double Trouble

Don’t: Lie, Cheat, Steal, Gossip, Sneak, Deny, Hide, Possess, Compare, Covet, Yell, Brag, Avoid, Use, Abuse, Conspire, Manipulate, Control, Indulge, Argue, Hate and Fear.

All of these behaviors do not end with the initial act. Quite the contrary, they continue to wreak havoc in your life and in your soul for eons of time after the deeds have been done! The worry, confusion, responsibility, guilt and shame resulting from these types of activities will be eating away at your spirit creating all sorts of dis-ease within.

Many of the ills of the body, mind and spirit are manifested from the negative thoughts, actions and feelings of our Being. Examples would be allergies, joint stiffness, cancers, colds, back pain, indigestion, weight problems, rashes, etc. If an illness cannot be traced back to direct contact with a toxin, it most likely is derived from the “Self.” When a person is balanced and healthy, those types of disorders simply do not develop in the physical form.

We do have the ability to manage our own health. By waking up to the power of awareness, responsibility and self-control, we can begin to learn to listen to our bodies and trust our instincts. There is a time and place for doctors, healers, ministers, advisors and the like but they should never supersede your own voice and opinion.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Learn the voice of your body and use moderation to prevent future reoccurring dis-ease.” tc

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