Thursday, September 2, 2010

Autumn is in the Air

I enjoy summertime but when the nights begin to shorten and the air cools, I know that my favorite season is soon to arrive. Every season has its beauty, fun and reason. Winter is symbolic of rest, hibernation and planning. Spring is symbolic of new life, growth and potential. Summer is about energy, development and nurturing. Autumn is about harvest, fruitfulness and abundance.

As we enter the autumn of our activities, I hope that you are able to see, hear, feel and smell the fruits of your efforts. Whether you have been working in the garden, building a new deck, learning a new skill or growing in your faith, this is a good time to review just how far you have come.

We all need markers along our journey to point out our advancements, or lack thereof in our progress. Autumn is a great time to think about any changes that we need to make in order to obtain the goal of our desire or to see if what we are striving for is no longer healthy for our life.

As the school buses begin to roll through the neighborhoods and the pumpkins ripen on the vine, take a minute to assess where you are in your journey. Know that wherever you find yourself at this moment, it is exactly where you need to be in order to move ahead.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Begin today.” tc

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