Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grounding Required

Recently, I took an important exam. The results of this test held some significance due to the fact that passing the exam could highly influence my career. I was quite confident going into the testing area.  I completed the exam within the designated timeframe.

Upon finishing the test, I was quite certain that I had done well. With a little extra spring-in-my-step, I drove to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to share the good news. With both in attendance, listening to my recap of the examination, my Aunt sensed my confidence and asked if I had Aced the exam? Still feeling a bit puffed up by my belief in doing well on the test, I proudly said, “Why, yes, I believe I did.” Without missing a beat, my Aunt responded,” Oh, simple was it?”

After picking my jaw up off the floor and standing there totally dumbfounded, we all broke into belly-jiggling laughter! My Aunt gave me a big hug and attempted a weak apology through the stuttering and stammering of her explanation of what she had really meant.  This just made all of us laugh even more. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you begin to get a little too full of yourself, I hope you have someone who joyful brings you back down to earth.” tc

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ascending into Divinity

There are seven states of consciousness that exist within each person. These seven states of consciousness influence a person throughout their whole life. I feel that people gain a healthy mental state, by being aware of and opening to the seven states of human consciousness. They are:

1. Body – awareness of self, responsiveness to environment.

2. Fantasy – dream-like state where creative imagination and make believe mix. Absorbed in this state to the exclusion of full Body consciousness. Ex: Athlete’s flow, child’s play

3. Sleep – archetypal symbols and images create potential in people

4. Dark – state where negative energy thrives. Useful to bring awareness to harmful behavior or express evilness.

5. Induced – wherein an external stimulate such as drugs or alcohol alter a person’s conscious state

6. Meditative – relaxed mental state where a person can reach a deeper opening in their mental capacity that will expand awareness and compassion.

7. Universal – union of the mind with a higher spiritual power and sacred wisdom. The illusionary sense of life is removed and Truth or Enlightenment is fully realized.

These states are not limited to developmental or age-related stages of awareness or consciousness because these states are inherent conscious abilities that are built-in to a person’s mental design. Oftentimes, a child is observed in various states of consciousness that an adult has been conditioned to repress.

The degree within each level of consciousness fluctuates from person to person and from situation to situation. These levels are not static. A person may move into deeper or lighter states of consciousness. Not everyone will experience all seven levels. However, a person may move through one or more levels in a single day.

I feel that each level of consciousness is there to guide a person through the experience of awakening to the richness of life. By opening to these different levels and being present in each one, an individual may move through life more balanced and fulfilled. The first six levels of consciousness provide a path to the ultimate opening into Universal Consciousness.                 (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Let your Spirit lead higher into a deeper consciousness, more in tune with the frequency of the Divine.” tc