Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ant Someone Gonna Help Me?

I was raised with the idea that “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” So, for most of my life, I did many things myself. It did not matter what chore had to be done or object hung or task accomplished, I could do it all without help.

It didn’t take too many years for me to realize that doing all this work alone was tiring. I not only had all the responsibility but I also had all the stress and all the work. How smart is that?

Was I so superior to others that no one could do things right but me? Actually, I frequently struggled with tasks that I didn’t have the skills to complete. I also recognized that this ‘superior mindset’ caused me to look down-my-nose at others. When I woke up to how this attitude was making me act, I realized that I needed to change a few things. This phrase was not correct!

Teamwork is a great way to share the work-load and complete a job quickly. When a lot of people come together, share input, knowledge, skills and time, every chore can become an accomplishment rather than a dreaded duty. You might even make a few new friends.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is”

“Teamwork: Together we can complete Everything through A Mindset of Willingness, Organization, Respect and Kindness.” tc

Monday, August 9, 2010

Forgive & Forget

The power of Forgiveness is immeasurable. When you accept as Truth that everyone is 1) Doing the best they can, 2) At this given moment, 3) With the information that they have, including yourself, there is no longer a reason for negative emotions to be held against anyone.

I try to share this exercise with everyone I meet.

Place a chair in front of you. Imagine, one at a time, each person that has caused you to feel bad, shameful, guilty, hurt or any other way that caused you harm. Place each individual in the chair. Say out loud that you forgive them for…..and list what they did. You may cry, yell, display in a releasing and safe manner any of the deep emotions that arise as you have them in the chair. Then, excuse them from the chair and place the next person in the chair.When you release each person from the chair, you also let go of any residual anger, pain and control that those emotions hold over you.

This exercise is KEY to unlocking your future happiness! It is an on-going act that when felt from the heart will rid you of any additional weight that has held you back from reaching your full potential.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Forgiveness is a divine act that sets you free.” tc