Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fires of Life

What are the three most important components of your life?  Is it the thrill of your job?  The fulfillment of higher education? The spiritual growth of your faith? Or, maybe it is the tender touch of a loved one? How much time do you actually devote to the three most important components of your life? If those aspects could talk, would they reply with the same answer?
So many times we THINK we are dedicating enough time and energy to the important facets of our life, only to discover when they change, the truth of our efforts. Where ever you concentrate the energy of your behavior is really where your heart lies. Sometimes, we are offered the gift of a second chance but that does not mean that the fruit of the gift will materialize in the same mode as the original outcome might have revealed.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"All fires die out, if not tended to regularly. That goes for fires feeding our passions, fires feeding our love and fires feeding our dreams. Those not sustained or successfully reignited simply become ashes and old memories." tc

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