Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lumped Together

It is a wonderful feeling to have a caring family that loves you, encourages your dreams and helps you out when times are tough. It is also great to have a handful of friends to hang out with and share life’s ups & downs with. It is good to belong to a religious organization that teaches you and promotes a growing faith in a Higher Being. It is also fun to belong to a group or organization that supports you and makes you feel right at home.

Have you noticed that the people and groups that you associate with reflect what you believe? You might think that this is a no-brainer! However, when you look at all of those around you, you will see the thoughts, feelings, actions, morals, judgments, and ideals that influence and reinforce YOUR behaviors.

Those same groups and individuals that you connect with, outsiders will assume that you have the similar opinion of and will judge you accordingly. If you do not want to be judged, criticized or associated with a specific clan then you should not put yourself in their company.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Surround yourself with like-minded people because you will become like the ones around you.” tc

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Call of the Wild

Hawk is a dynamic, powerful, messenger.

Some of the symbolism associated with hawk is: attention, tremendous vision, power, energy, leadership and focus. Hawk also has the ability to soar above  any threat and see the solution to it from a larger perspective. I see Hawk as a teacher of Divine wisdom. In this way, I feel that Hawk is symbolic of God.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“With open arms, keen vision, intense focus and absolute power, God is ever-watchful over us and patiently waiting for our response to The Call.” tc