Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And We Danced

The beautiful art of Pantomiming is the eloquent and powerful telling of a story through bodily and facial expression without sound. Ballet is the graceful and fluid movement of the body in a theatrical setting to classical music. Tribal dancing is associated with the rhythmic and pounding of feet to the earth in a commanding and robust state of spiritual excitement in order to unite the group as one.

Dancing is an ancient ritual that connects humankind to the Divine. The deliberate and flexible movements of dance, creates an internal rhythm and external flow of harmony and unity. When a person is able to dance freely, without inhibitions to control their movement or stifle their articulation; the emotional release of dancing can only be described as pure bliss.

My sister, Brenda is a dance instructor in Moline, Il. She has a studio called "A Rythmic Time." She not only excels at teaching Ballroom dancing but she is having "The Time of Her Life" performing on stage, tv and in local shows! What a great way to live one's life.

These are the days that you’ll remember. These are the moments of your life. You deserve to be filled with joy. You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to be free to seek your fulfillment. You deserve to shine in the Light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Dance and the energy of the world blossoms with you.” tc

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Power of Love

Love makes friends out of enemies. Love heals the sick.

Love brings joy where there is sorrow. Love builds community where 2 or more gather.

Love creates peace out of chaos. Love brings a smile where there were tears.

Love creates harmony out of war. Love binds a mother to her children.

Love comforts the suffering. Love has many faces. Love fills a room with laughter.

Love saves lives. Love speaks softly. Love can be shared with everyone.

Love has no chains. Love inspires. Love gives hope to the hopeless. Love conquers all.

If you are ever in doubt about what to do or question if you’re going down the right path, ask yourself one question. If the answer does not include love, you may want to reconsider your next step.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Love is in the answer to every question that you may have.” tc