Monday, March 22, 2010


There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language.  Some of those words readily translate into other languages and some do not. Cultural influence and personal preference instill word meaning. What type of words do you place a value upon? Are you drawing a blank?  For example, I can say things like: love, bitch, hate, children, gay, faith, nature, gringo, hitchhiker, or Vietnam Veteran. None of these words are bad! However, it is the meaning that we have attached to the words that creates a stigma of acceptance or derogatory connotation.
Most people think of the word love with a sense of reverence. However, for someone who does not feel love in their life, that word is less than evocative. At one time in history, the word gay instilled thoughts of fun and loads of joy.  Today, it has been given an offensive context as a slang word towards same-sex attraction. There was a dark point in recent American history, wherein the phrase Vietnam Veteran ignited riots and acts of aggression towards others. At present, memorials, monuments and holidays are designated to those individuals who were asked to sacrifice for the interest of our country.
Spoken expression is one of the most misunderstood and inflammatory means of communication. It can invoke feelings of kindness and respect or create a mountain of frozen ideas that may take months or years to defrost.  As you move through each day, it might be a good idea to become more cognoscente of words that you use that may be easily misconstrued or clearly comprehended.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Words are only concepts, until felt and given meaning." tc

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Key to fulfillment

I was walking in the desert the other day and came across a natural tunnel at the end of an arroyo.  As I entered the enclosure, the air cooled and the light dimmed. There was a sense of comfort in this place of shelter. It was as if I had walked into a sacred place. However, after a period of rest, I realized that I missed the light, the expanse of a panoramic view and the opportunity to explore more and satisfy my curious nature.
When I decided it was time to emerge from this soothing place, I did so with an open heart, brighter perspective and an attitude ready to embrace the day. There are times in our life when we need to take a break from routine activities. There are times when we need to relinquish the responsibilities of everyday life for a bit of a refresher.  It is ok to seek a darkened shelter for a respite but if you enter without God leading the way, the temporary shelter may become a detention hall, instead.  
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Acceptance is key to fulfillment." tc