Thursday, April 18, 2013

Human Evolution

Did someone say change?  Oh, how that word stirs the soul into a quandary.  But change is that little element that is constant in our daily lives.  Humans have been evolving since the beginning of their creation. Do you remember learning in school or viewing in a museum the early evolution of mankind.....Homo hablis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens?  Today, we are untaking that same evolutionary jump.  However, instead of our progression taking place over millennial, it is transpiring in the current generation.
YOU are here because, because, because you are very special.  Your soul chose to participate in this human evolution miracle.  We are on the threshhold of becoming a new species called Homo luminous.  This species is a highly evolved spiritual being by Divine creation.  Homo luminous is a higher vibrational frequency of human that resonates light as did the ancients such as Jesus, Quan Yin, the Oracle of Delphi and Buddha.  The ancients were renowned for their telepathic, levitational, astrological and seemingly miraculous abilities akin to God-like. We are developing into the same type of luminous being. 
Many may not understand the changes taking place but that is ok.  The information is being presented to you while you sleep, in New Age literature, Internet websites and in religious texts.  You are living in the age of prophesy.  As you open more readily to the information, your transition will occur more smoothly and cohesively.
Welcome brothers and sisters to the illuminated new age!    
Love & Light

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