Friday, April 19, 2013

Eagle's Wings

There is a lot of talk these days about higher consciousness.  What is it?  Higher consciousness is the ability to think, respond and project a more connected perpective to everything and recognize the Divine power at work in our daily lives.

One aspect of higher consciousness is the ability to perceive synchronicity.  In the past we have tried to explain chance encounters with words like ironic, wierd or coincidencedental.  However, Dr. Carl Jung explains it in a manner that I like.  He says that synchronicity is "meaningful signs from a higher power at work and part of the intelligent design to the universe."  For example, events in our life such as contact via someone you were thinking about, unexpected mail or a phone call from a loved one are not simply left to chance. These events represent Divine action in your life.

Higher consciouness is meant to enhance and add balance to your life. When we are following the best path for our soul's growth synchronicity occurs frequently.  Other examples pertain to getting the job your really wanted, interruption to travel plans which put you in contact with your future mate and being introduced to healthful patterns that improve one's lifestyle such as reducing sugar intake, illiminating nicotene and increasing physical activity. 

So, the next time your perceive an ironic situation or plans don't go according to your desire....relax!  The Divine is working to illuminate you to harmony.

Love & Light


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