Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Consciousness Creates Reality

When we blend the primary influences of our human experience, we find that the Big Picture of the puzzle is simple yet, shatteringly profound.  Let's review in brief, the umbrella of topics:

Psychology  (Mind)
Sigmund Freud's Trinity of Consciousness as explained by the Id, Ego and Superego are developmental aspects of our psyche.  They are the influential forces of our unconscious, which drives our beliefs, desires, emotions and personality in experiential life.

Carl Jung added the Archetype structure of the Universal Collective Unconscious, which is our "pre-existent prototypes of the things of the  material world," our memories, feelings and ideas from a preformed, yet connected thought of creation. This is the conceptual patterns behind mythology, religion and even our thought process.  

New Age Spiritualism  (Spirit)
A free-flowing spiritual movement of self-actualization through a variety of practices and beliefs. Using Crystals, Tarot cards, astrology, charms, candles, drums, yoga and various tools to express oneself, people under this movement seek a freedom to experience themselves as spiritual beings

Sacred Geometry is a code involving the patterns of our reality symbolically found in our prehistoric human past for creation, which can be applied to how flowers grow, the nesting of the planets, musical harmonics, art, architecture and seems to include the establishment of space and time.  It is "Nature's Divine Design."

Religion (God)
Ancient Egyptian Mythology is a description of the 'gods' and their mythical explanation of the creation of the world. There is Nun the Goddess of the primordial waters, Ra the sun God placed in the sky. Maat the Goddess of order from chaos.  Geb the God of Earth, Nut the Goddess of the sky or heavens. Shu the God of air that separates the earth and sky. And the entire pantheon of Gods and Goddesses describe in colorful detail the act of creation and continual life. 

The Vedic faiths: Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism all have 'sacred texts" that attempt to explain creation and certain acceptable behaviors in society.  All these faiths or practices claim a Higher Power, aka God, that permeates all life and is peaceful and loving. 

In similar fashion as the Egyptian Creation myth, in the simplified Christian Genesis story, the act of creation is said to have taken form over a period of time.  Light separated the chaos of darkness.  The heavens and earth were created, etc. The drama of "who is god" and "who are we" seem to unfold in the sacred writings of ancient times. 

    Math & Science  (Body)
 Biology is the study of the kaleidoscope of living organisms. Chemistry is the study of elements of matter and how they are structured, combine, change and interact. Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space and time. Mathematics is the study of quantity. 

 Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) said, "The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth."

Quantum Physics attempts to define reality by studying particles of solids, atoms, sub-nuclear particles, light and wave functions (to name a few).  They ask, "what is really real?"   Within the Quantum field of study there is: "Zero-point Energy- the lowest possible energy a quantum mechanical physical system can  have, yet this zero-point field holds more energy than all the matter known in the universe."  Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle demonstrates a world in perpetual flux, meaning that it blinks in and out of existence, ie. Holographic.  David Bohm theorizes that consciousness and matter are "inextricably intertwined." 

It is my absolute belief that Science has proven God!  

God is Pure Consciousness permeating and energizing all of creation on a Quantum level of measurable energy known as the Zero-Point Energy Field; continuously creating the Fabric of Reality in which we Evolve.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Miracle Weeds

We novice gardeners have all purchased a bag or two of the Miracle Grow garden soil.  It is enriched with nutrients to stimulate rapid growth for flowers and vegetables, right?  Miracle Grow is used primarily for potted plants but occasionally added to nutrient-weak soil.
Well, this season I decided to plant a garden not simply potted flowers.

I rototilled the soil, raked the old weeds, grasses and mystery greens out of the designated area for planting.
I fertilized the soil with VERY AGED horse manure.
I selected the choice summer veggies to plant.
I waited until the moon phase was right for planting.
I prepared the soil, again for planting and put in my veggies.

A week passed.  Nothing.  Another week and .....WoW. Green Stuff was poking through the soil.  But, I noticed, there were more green stuff outside of my neatly prepared rows of onions, spinach, asparagus and tomatoes than crop sprouts.  Do you know what I discovered after the third week?

God had given me Miracle Soil!  Daily, I was in the garden pulling small basket loads of mystery sprouts from my perfectly planted garden rows.  Carefully, I tugged on any green stem that didn't match the veggies I had planted in order to dislodge root and all.   No matter what I did, the Miracle Soil was producing far more Miracle Weeds than the rate of growth of my summer vegetables.

It didn't take long to turn my novice green-thumb.......Blue hoo-hoo!

So, on that note:  "We are all Miracle Soil for Divine but some of our efforts will blossom more fruitfully than others."